My parents live in that area. Great to visit, you couldn’t pay me to live there. The residents are enough to drive a sane person to homicide (and the ones who aren’t crazy, are so cool that you feel immensely bad for them, like a puppy at a kill shelter). The weather is so humid you wanna take a shower just walking from your house to your car. Mosquitos the size of humming birds, and there is no off season for them. The cost of living is insane, you sit on a dollar and out pops a dime... I basically grew up on the water sailing. Freshwater is for drinking salt water is for fishing. My sea legs are my best legs. That part of FL should be my heaven. Yeah, if it gets decimated by a hurricane the world would be better off. Except Publix. That place is the bomb.
I have a great employee of 5 years that I have to cut their pay due to the market. The market’s been great for the past couple years so her pay as a billing/HR rep was $60k+. Now it’s going to have to be low 40’s. If this happened to you, how would you want it handled?
I would want as much warning as possible before it went into effect so I could cut expenses and look for a new job.
If I were her, If want you to be as honest and possible about it. And I’d tell you that I’m going to have to look for a new job. At the very least, I’d give her a good reference/recommendation.
Keep in mind I work in foodservice. I’d quit immediately, but honesty on your end would keep me from talking shit after I was gone. Takes a lot of guts to have that conversation. But it’s a pretty big insult to hit someone valuable with a huge pay cut. I won’t pretend I know your industry or all the circumstances, so please don’t read this as an attack. Just be prepared for a rough go.
What you want to be slapped with a lawsuit when she get rejected from a job you gave a reference for????Hmm?
This is why we don’t give references. Start and end date is all that is required under law. You can be liable if you give someone a good reference, they’re hired because or in part due to that reference, and they do something at their new job that costs the employer money, gets someone injured, exposes them to liability, etc.
If that happened to me I wouldn’t want to be insulted by my boss expecting me to stay. Preferably, an I’m sorry we can no longer afford to keep you, followed by a few things the company will do to avoid this kind of mistake in the future, as well as hopefully a good faith offer to stay at an adjusted rate while I train my replacement and look for a new job. One of the places I work, a portion of the company was sold to an indirect competitor and the employees who were no longer needed were given an offer to stay for a limited time and use their remaining paid vacation days and/or remain getting paid while they finished their work with us and looked for new jobs. Similar to your person, they were valued, long-term employees and it was just the right thing to do rather than a straight layoff. Of course, at-will employment (or are you in Canada?) means you can also tell them to fuck off if you want. Good reason, bad reason, just not an illegal reason. Either way, prepare for an unemployment claim.
....If he lays her off. If she just straight up quits, she will have a tougher (but not impossible) time making her case to receive benefits. Honestly, the platitudes about what the company can do better is nice, but shes only going to care that 1/3 of her salary is evaporating, and at 60k/year thats a ton of money.
If he offered a reduced salary but she left under her own volition could she even claim unemployment?
Those were ideas to mitigate and/or avoid a successful unemployment claim. But just because someone won’t be successful doesn’t mean they won’t still try, and fighting that is still a headache. You can always try to claim unemployment. Doesn’t mean you’ll get it.
They should change the title of Toy Story 4 to “How To Ruin The Perfect Trilogy For No Reason”. I am clueless as to why this is getting rave reviews, it is NOT up to par. Disney has done a lot of looooooow things for the sake of making even more money, this one might top all of them. You ruined the ultimate perfect ending, fuck you and die.
Because the kids that saw the first one in 1995 are now reviewing movies and theyre wearing nostalgia goggles.
I was never a super fan of the first ones i enjoyed them but they weren't the best movies like some people love them, so i enjoyed the 4th movie.
Please keep in mind her average industry salary is high 30s. She’s been with me half a decade so incentives and stuff just started piling up.