What's the tattoo? Is it something you've been thinking about for a while? If so, then perhaps you drunkenly agreeing to do it was what you needed to overcome the influence of your raging pussy.
Or maybe his drunk self has a hate-on for his sober self, so he should stay drunk and just get it? I say it's better to sober up to a tattoo than it is to be sober for a tattoo.
Do you think that old, fat, white actors with big white beards audition for a lot of roles all year, or just whale out until early fall and then bomb all the ad agencies with jolly headshots?
You should never be drunk for a tattoo. Alcohol makes your blood more thin, so it pushes the ink out as fast as they push it in. Want a fucked up tattoo? Go get drunk and then get one. I've never done it, because I'm dumb but not that dumb. But my artist has a lot of funny pictures from customers who have. He just charges them as much as he thinks he can get outta their drunk asses and makes sure to write "AS IS" on the receipt.
The worst ones of all are the “motivational word vomit” ones. I for the most part like tattoos and have a few, but these word-poem things..... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooooooou:
You have no idea how realistic that scenario is. When my buddies and I get together and start talking about the old days, all the stories seem to follow a similar plot line... Something I instigated devolves into absolute chaos, everyone deals with the consequences,. Except me. Somehow I end up on the sidelines laughing.
It actually is something I’ve been thinking of for a while, so maybe the raging pussy theory has some merit. In any event, we’ve run out of vodka so now we’re on whiskey. I would have reversed the order, but the lady was calling the shots at the time.
This thread reminds me why I don't have any tattoos. Once I was really drunk and got dragged into a tattoo parlor . I had an idea for an awesome, cool, neat-o tattoo and I was all in to get it permanently inked onto my skin....to be there till the day I died. It was so awesome there's no way I would ever regret it. They were all backed up and couldn't get me in. The next day I said "Thank fucking God." I have no idea what I'd decided just had to be permanently inked on my body, but I'm sure it would've been regretful. My dad had a huge eagle tattooed on one of his arms. It was there to cover up a drunken military tattoo he got in Japan when he was 21. A tattoo of fingers holding a cherry with the words "Here's mine, where's yours?" I'm sure that sounded like a brilliant idea at the time.
My father-in-law has “Born to Lose” tattooed on his arm. Because some people don’t think it over that night. Another thing I know about tattoos is if you see somebody over seventy years old with them from THEIR early days...chances are they are salty, tough motherfuckers.