YOU'RE ALL PART OF THE PROBLEM! LET ME MAKE A FUCKING JOKE! I lived in Boston for college, and at one time lived right near the corner of Mass Ave and Columbus Ave. I never ventured farther south than Columbus, and never wanted to.
Nettdata my daughters friends father has a keyboard with a broken caps lock key so you should think twice before making jokes about it some people are dealing with things you dont under stand so look at yourself for a moment the grass is always greener smh love to all
Ive stopped making sardonic jokes on friends or family's facebook post. Mainly just do that on Vice article comment sections, which is literally the only thing Vice has going for them anymore.
I just showed up to go bowling and I'm a little early. El hubs left me in search of the crapper. This place is packed and I'm the only one sub 45 in here. Bout to make some FRIENDS. Yeah!
Wtf, how do you not report back with how drinking beers with Marg worked out? Did Larry's daughter get the promotion or not?! Geez, woman.
Unfortunately this story has a lame ending. Apparently it's league night almost every night of the week and there are no free lanes. So we left. This is a small town and entertainment is limited. We are planning on going to the next town over this weekend where they have not one, but TWO bowling alleys. And a casino. I like these odds.
The first one was hilarious... and this one looks like it's exponentially better. I'm really looking forward to this.
Most of the stereotypes you see in movies actually represent the north and south shore areas rather than the city itself now. Harvard exists in its own bubble into the other end of Cambridge. Its a good 10-15 minute Uber ride from Harvard Square to downtown. The version of Charlestown in The Town (with Affleck) doesnt exist anymore and hasnt for about 30 years. Its all upper middle class yuppies. The townies are still around, but its a 5:1 yuppie:townie ratio. They bitch and moan about how the rich folk ruined their neighborhood, but Im sure they dont mind the insane real estate speculation making them millionaires from the house they bought for 40K in the 60s. Southie is still gentrifying, but mostly because its huge. It has its own nightlife and is by and large overpopulated with recent college grads. There are still some projectz, but its not the working class neighborhood the movies make it out to be.
I hadn't been to Denny's in years, so I went this morning since I've got fuck all to do. I had a ham and cheese omelette and a cup of coffee. $14.88 + a $3 tip. For an omelette and a cup of coffee? I thought Denny's was supposed to be cheap. Also, my former employer contracted with a career transition service for those of us they kicked to the curb. I had a meeting with them the very least they're going to write up my resume for me, so that's one tedious thing I don't have to do myself.
As a general rule, any part of the country within an uber ride of a "financial district" is out of the price range of the lower and lower middle class these days.
That is cheap, Ebenezer. Go to the Niagara Falls Denny’s and pay twice as much for the same shitty meal.