I’m a legally ordained minister. And in a few months, I’m going to marry my brother in law. And there are people in their family who are literally going to boycott the wedding bc I got ordained (legally) and I’m atheist (and the bride and groom still asked me to). Fuck people.
That's going to cause some real confusion when someone tries to trace their roots. You're going to end up your own cousin sister or something.
This is the best sentence on this board ever. It’s like a clickbait article’s title, or that one random “most popular” pornhub video that makes you confused about humanity.
Sadly, this is what happens when religiousness meets common sense. I'm getting paid in beer and hunting opportunities so I answer "yes "ma'am/sir" to the bride and groom. Their entire family, both sides, is militant catholic, and they want this as their "coming out" opportunity. And I'm gonna be the one to take the fall apparently. You know the whole "any objections?" line?... yeah, that should go swimmingly.
I thought you were already married. Or does that only count if both of your partners are of the same sex?
Nice one. When my wife and I were dating, she had me convinced that one of her aunts married her cousin. She did it as a joke because they're all rednecks, but she didn't expect me to fall for it like "ok, they watch nascar, drink lonestar, of course there's some incest, makes sense!" I believed it for several months before she told me. Those two are still missing a chromosome or two though.
Anyone else following the Blizzard drama? Pretty good stuff. No one wants to play an exclusively mobile Diablo 3 clone. Who would have thought?
Yeah... it's a pretty big fucking deal. Their hardcore fans were wanting so many updates for the PC version of the game, and then they come out with an outsourced mobile-only version (now with micropayments!) that actually has those features that the PC players have been asking for... totally clueless and out of touch with their player-base. The live question period clips (that Bilzzard is trying hard to hide) are hilarious... the ENTIRE crowd booing the announcement that it's "mobile only"... only to have the presenters respond with, "what, don't you all have a phone?!?" I sense that this is going to be a bit of a turning point for them.
It’s been a long time coming, too. Diablo 3 was a huge disappointment upon launch and it wasn’t actually playable until what, 18 months later? Overwatch was massively overhyped for just an “okay” game with real design and balance issues. DOTA 2 has possibly the worst player base and community in gaming history, and Blizzard completely and purposefully incentivizes it. WoW Vanilla is just them dusting off their old game files. I never understood how they had such a rabid and loyal fan base.
Gone are the days of them cancelling games because "they just weren't up to our standards". Fewer and fewer gamers are running the big companies, or are put into good positions of authority in game companies, so the MBA-types looking for the latest quick slash-and-burn short term buck are calling the shots... and it's fucking things up. I've seen it first-hand inside EA, and know a few other studio heads as well who have seen it. I think they've been pushing the boundaries with DLC, pre-orders, shit games, over-hype launches (No Man's Sky anyone?), and FINALLY the sheep are waking up a bit and starting to get pissed to the point that they might actually do something about it. We'll see.
I feel like you kind of have to respect Valve a little bit. They could shit in a box, call it Half-Life 3, and make a billion dollars, but they haven't done it yet.
Blizzard is a shit show these days, but really, they have been for awhile now. As someone mainly using a PS4 at the moment though, I'm pretty happy with the selection out there. What you get for dropping $50-60 these days is staggering. Really can't complain.
I enjoyed Destiny 2, but seriously, there's Horizon Zero Dawn, Witcher 3, The Division, God of War. Playing Monster Hunter World at the moment, and it's the fucking shiznit. It makes you want to throw your controller at the TV because of the cheesy bullshit ways the monsters can kill you if you don't have their stun chain moves perfectly mapped out, but there's a lot of good games to choose from. There are some companies doing some seriously lame things, often in the hope of quick easy money, but at least for now I think there's enough competition that I don't mind much. Some of them took "gamer gate" way too seriously and have been trying to make their games more "woman friendly" [read: appeal to feminists who aren't ever going to play]. It's fucking stupid and it's never going to accomplish anything other than tanking their sales. Eg, EA nearly went full fucktard with their new Battlefield release, but finally made the right decision and realized their fan base wasn't going to have any of it. People were really upset about it at the time, but my reaction was just meh. Don't care, I'll play something else.