I got the email. Nett - what’s it like having rear neighbours in Ontario compared to the set up you had out in BC?
Got it. Thanks Net Daddy & Co. I’m really just here to find out when and where the next trampoline party is. Rainy season has just begun here in the rainforest and I’m already over it. Perhaps someone in a pleasant climate could host?
The one rear neighbour is a good guy who's an amazing contractor. Bought the house about 6 months ago and went to fucking town doing a huge renovation, using his crew when they were between jobs. Great addition to the back of the house, redid the pool. new roof, etc. Super nice family. The guy right behind me (beside the Contractor) is who we call "The Engineer" because he's always doing home improvement projects that fuck up. Case in point... he put up a 20' 6x6 post in the back corner in order to put up a laundry line. He didn't pour any concrete, just buried it about 4-5 feet into the ground. Left the pole straight up, no "preload" opposite the expected pulling force of the line. Attached the other end of the line to a vertical handrail on his deck. He had ZERO clue about the forces involved in the system. First time he strung up the wire, I could see the big post start to lean towards the deck, and then the deck post went "CRACK" and broke. He then attached it to the siding on his house instead of the deck rail, and proceeded to slowly pull the side of his house out of square as he tensioned the line. Finally installed a dedicated "house side" post for the line, and upon first tightening the 20' post started to lean in... a lot. They put their first wet towel on the line, and it almost touched the ground in the middle of the line. Needless to say it doesn't see much use, and when it is used, it's very lightweight things like bathing suits. Here's a pic: Then he built himself a shed... Just a few points: we get snow. no trusses for the roof no hangers, just a few hand-hammered nails holding the roof together. incredibly close to the house We can't wait to watch what happens this winter.
I’d choose a gorgeous lake behind me over people and ol’ day of the week. There is a reason that people get depressed it they move here from out west. Who the fuck can blame them? Everywhere you look out there is eye candy. It’s just plain better out there. In the next two years, we are exploring this country in each direction. Driving out east for two weeks in summer of 2019, and out west in summer 2020. Not just for vacation, not just to finally see the majority of the country not covered in tundra, but to decide whether or not we want to stay in this boring city. After my wife and kid see what this country has to offer, our town is going to feel like when you come home after spending the weekend with rich relatives: Just.......fuck this place. PS got the email
Some of the other Engineering Projects that he's done: a deck (the railings have all pretty well leaned over or fallen off) a hot tub behind the deck (hot tub seems to work not too badly, but the privacy screens/trellises he put up are all fucked up and falling apart). My next door neighbour comes over to have a beer on my deck when we hear him working... because it's more than a little entertaining.
COME ON, DUDE. Why are you building anything if you don’t grasp the basics of support? That shed is going DOWN. She might —might— last the winter, but she’s gonna warp for sure. And if his eavestrough freezes over, the shed will also take the brunt of the roof’s run-off whenever there’s a temperature climb. We should pool on here when it destructs.
If we get any snow like we did last year, it'll build up on his house roof and slide off, right onto the roof of that shed. When he put that roof on, there is no strong attachment of the roof "truss" to the frame under it. So if a snow load lands on it, the roof will flatten out as the roof "trusses" come loose from the ridgeline plate he's attached them to. The only thing that he's done since then that might help things out is he's put plywood covers on the ends so you can't see through the roof any more. So that'll help support the 2 sides of the roof a bit, but still... it should be funny I think. For reference, this was the snow we got in a week last year (The Engineer's house in the background):
Many guys love to picture what they have in mind and then just build it with the basics of getting it to stand up. He obviously is self-teaching himself without so much as a DIY book. Too much pride. Question: don’t you have to get an inspector from the city to come over if you construct something like a deck or large shed? I’m honestly clueless to the bylaws for it.
Decks have to be inspected if they're new and over a certain height off the ground or attached to the house. When I redid my deck last year I got around that by just replacing the deck planking and beefing up some of the supports. (Technically, I probably should have had a permit, but really didn't care). For sheds, anything over 100 square feet needs a permit. I'm not sure he's over that, and I'm not sure there's a bylaw covering shitty sheds under that size.
People need to read a couple books, or just watch a YouTube video and see why a truss is important, and how it works. Your neighbour has built a wooden pillow fort. Just buy the pre-made shed, dude. We have SO MANY places around here that supply them.
I just got an e-mail from the site admin? Something about how SouthernIdiot is a fucking asshole and the admin is tired of dealing with his bullshit e-mail problems. We need to make this a welcoming environment. Really guys, that's uncalled for.
DCC is a professional engineer who designed trusses for a living for a while... I sent her that pic and she called me immediately with a "are you fucking kidding me?"
Happened 30 minutes away from me. It's the "redneck" airport in the area. So I think there will be a ton of safety inspections happening over the next few months.
Out of curiosity, is SouthernIdiot's email a Verizon/AOL/Yahoo address? There's something fucky with the way their email servers respond to certain SMTP messages that makes correctly-configured servers not want to play with them, and they don't seem interested in fixing it. It's been a pain in my ass at work, though our problem is usually that our Exchange server is kicking back messages to us from Yahoo.