I also did not get the email...clearly this means I am one of God’s Chosen and everyone should give me free money.
Who'd of thunk an email would wake up so many long quiet idiots. Spam wakens the dead. The new Messiah, email......
Got the email, but should I be concerned that it had an attachment of a picture of me scratching my balls apparently taken from the perspective of outside my house in my front bushes?
I would not be concerned. Nett was on mobile and asked the mods if they had an attachment he could use. shegirl sent him that pic from her files. Pretty routine, really, no cause for alarm.
I did a search of registered users who have visited the site in the last 4-5 days and sent an email to that list. There are a lot of lurkers who are lurking with their registered accounts, like yourself, so you got included in the email. All in all there were 93 accounts that were sent emails. As if we don't have a standard mod library to pull that stuff from...
Got it! Which is a fucking miracle considering Spectrum decided to migrate my email from TimeWarner (which Spectrum recently acquired) to Spectrum without any fucking notice that my TW email would not be blocked for 3 fucking days! So, not knowing what was going on, I set up a gmail account (what fun) while panicing from wondering if my entire prior emails were gone forever. So now, I think, any email from TIB will go to gmail along with absolutely nothing else. Fuck Spectrum with a donkey dick.