Just set up an appointment with a career transition service that my former employer provided. Now I need to write up a resume....I hate doing that shit. The good thing is the service is nationwide, so maybe they can find me something up my alley a bit closer to Missouri? I've got nothing holding me here...
Good luck with that... All I ask is that you video tape the interaction with Crazy when you give them your notice that you're leaving.
He's already going off the rails. He told me this morning I was driving him crazy being home and that I may have to move. This is my second day of unemployment.
Texas is experiencing a massive migration from the coasts. Cost of living is cheap, no state income tax. Just sayin'.
Plus, PLUS!, that would get us one step closer to the Dixie-toytoy-Nerds reality show we all want. Some kind of theme song is bouncing around in my head . . . ETA: It's funny that Katelyn Nacon is now on the Walking Dead.
Okay, all you ageists out there. I am officially 30 years old, again. Don't try and deny me. https://news.sky.com/story/man-69-w...er-begins-legal-battle-to-change-age-11547764
This isn’t as stupid as the fruitcake who decided to ditch his family and “identify” as an eight-year-old girl..... but it’s almost as stupid. Can’t we just say “Fuck You” to these people instead of wasting actual taxpayer money? I know a lot of things have loopholes, but math does not— you’re the age you are and that’s that. I’d like to take this time to demand that they change the Blue Jays’ World Series wins from 2 to 34. I’m sorry, but they just “identify” as a better team. Hey, if people can change their age....
Well you can say the same with about sex. You either have and XX and XY chromosomes, and you cant change that.
Personally, I identify as being 68, but the bigots at the social security office refuse to send my checks.
That’s not a fetish, that’s mental illness. Age is a number decided by time. Chromosomes can be altered simply by evolution. Time...nah, you can’t alter that.
I can’t speak his name, ask Nett. There is a local legend here that states if you say JCM’s name three times he appears behind you and throws a drum at your head.
I know how that's going to turn out: We're all going to get trashed one night, Toytoy and 'Nerds are going to get in an argument, and 'Nerds is going to pull out his concealed-carry pistol and shoot himself in the foot. Once the cops get there, they're going to haul me off to jail out of sheer force of habit, and I end up doing another few years in the joint. I'll pass. In other news, have I ever told y'all that I hate working on German cars? Because I do, and for some reason, we've been getting a lot of them at work.