Around here wild blueberries are everywhere. Go for a walk in the woods and you can eat them right off the bushes. The sweetest blueberries I’ve eaten were those my wife and I picked as we were walking on a trail up in Maine, but I can walk into the woods at the end of my street around early August and have more than I can eat at my fingertips. I’m trying to grow a blueberry bush in my yard but the deer eat the new growth on the bush, never mind eating the blueberries.
Anybody remember this video from a few years ago? I guess it's more common than I thought . . . Sound on for both makes them much funnier.
Agreed. We spent 3 months in Montana a couple years ago and picked huckleberries almost every day that they were in season. They're outrageously good. Huckleberry pancakes shit all over blueberry pancakes. And I love blueberries/blueberry pancakes. Locals are secretive about their huckleberry spots because huckleberries can't (yet) be cultivated. They're worth the trouble of tracking down. On the original topic, #2 is a good butt and I'm guessing she has a great body. Slightly unflattering picture but you stick that girl in a pair of yoga pants - or take the picture at an actual flattering angle - and I bet you guys would be crawling all over yourselves.
Hah, I just reverse image searched it: Spoiler God no, who would ever want to sleep with her? Madness, I tell you. Photoshop has done a number on peoples' expectations.
What did I say? What did I say? Did I call it, or what? 'Nerds, are you trying to tell me that you would ONLY fuck Scarlett Johansson if you were really drunk (assuming you were single, of course)? Your wife must be a real knockout...
That was obviously a bad picture of her, yes of course I think anyone would give their left nut to sleep with her. that being said, my wife is a knockout, and her ass is much nicer than ms johansonn’s in that picture
Yeah, you don't even tell your best friend where you found a patch. We went up to a very secluded mountain lake late one summer and came across a virgin patch that was at least 3 solid acres. The huckleberries were literally rotting on the bushes. Big, fat, juicy huckleberries. How a bear didn't go through there and gorge itself is one life's mysteries, because bears love huckleberries.
I guess I'll chime in. #1 and #2, were both "absolutely yes" before I knew it was the Black Widow herself. #3 isn't bad, but starting to get a little towards the edge of what I'm into. Don't get me wrong, I like "real women" and they have curves, but I wouldn't be scoping that ass out on the beach.
When I was living in BC, for years I was surrounded by monstrous blueberry farms. They were a way of life. They were everywhere. They supplied most of Canada and a lot of the US. It was amazing.... you could buy them super fresh, super cheap, at the side of the road from the farms that grew them. I miss that... now it seems we only get the shit from California that is nowhere near as good.
Any here get bloody noses? Once, in 7th grade, I caught a basketball right to the schnooz and if I put my finger up my nose, there was the slightest amount of blood on the tip of my finger. But that was the only time. That all changed today. I'm sitting in my office and I get a feeling like I have a runny nose. I wipe my nose with the back of my hand (classy) and am alarmed at the streak of blood on it. By the time I reach into my desk drawer for a napkin, it is already dripping onto my shorts. I pinch my nose with a napkin, haul ass to the bathroom and bleed enough to go through about 12-15 of the those tri-fold towels. The drips were so close together that it was almost a solid stream of blood coming out. I've cut myself pretty good over the years but never have I bled that much at one time. Being that I've never had a bloody nose, that freaked me out pretty good. Maybe not the best story for the WDT but no one has posted in here in several days so whatevs
I've had that once in a blue moon when shit gets REALLY dry and I snore. Otherwise, you may want to go hit up a doctor and see what's up... and eat more liver.