Lootie! He's quite the local legend even if no one really knows who he is. Things have started to pick up here. A mild, steady breeze with a few small gusts and some rain. There have been reports that an oil rig in the gulf sank... or broke loose... or it may be fine. Communications have been spotty. No one is able to make contact with the Grand Isle police now and the only road in or out is now flooded. We had official landfall at Port Fouchon about 30 minutes ago with 150 mph winds. This... will get messy.
My CA property was kind of bought on a whim when I was really jonesing for trees, so I bought some. My MO property was bought planning to build, but I've always wanted an old house....so here I am looking for an old house. The old KS farm house is out. I thought it was 100-200 yards off of pavement. Nope. It's miles from pavement. I plan on buying a 4WD, so that wouldn't be a issue except I always have at least one toy car and my toy cars don't do miles of dirt road. Something will come along that lights my wick.
The cousin of one of my close friends and coworkers is the mayor of one of the small towns close to where Ida made landfall. Said he’s hunkering down and doing okay, for now… this should be interesting
This wasn’t my experience. But most of the Bourbon Street area does. Still doesn’t smell as bad as downtown Los Angeles though. Square miles that reek of hobo piss. If any city needs a hurricane to wash the stench away it’s LA.
When I was there I went down on Bourbon St in the morning. My nose caught a whiff of a familiar odor and it took me a moment to place it as industrial toilet cleaner. The street washers were using it to clean the streets.
Good luck man - looks like I’m to the east of you (Robert area), so it’ll start getting squirrelly here in a couple of hours. My house is under contract to be sold, and imma be pissed if it blows down at this point.
Jesus Christ, Jim Cantore is such a fucking clown show. This dumb ass is standing in the street in a few inches of water with the curd/sidewalk literally inches behind him. He's also standing between two buildings where it's like a wind tunnel and then moves up 3 feet and the wind is barely blowing. I particularly like people casually walking in front of the camera like it's no big deal while he's staggering around, about to be blown away. This shit is serious in other parts of the state and he's out here fucking around on Canal St. faking like he's in imminent danger. Also, why would you want to do your live set in front of a stinky ass garbage dumpster? (which I am positive they placed there.)
first levee breach at dalcour (not familiar with the area, don't know where that is). And so it begins....
Is he wearing a batting helmet? Just a thought here...when Katrina hit gas went from about $1.75 in Mississippi to about $4 for a while. I don't know if it impacted the rest of the country that much, but if it did we're screwed. That would put us around $10 in Las Vegas.
I'm pretty sure it didn't affect gas prices here much at the time. I was an unemployed teenager who had just gotten his own car, so I think I would have noticed.
Just lost power. A transformer blew and the pole directly across the street broke at the top. It's getting dark but a think i also see a pole that broke in half down the street. It had just started to get windy here so we have several hours to go. Gonna be a long night.