Yikes. I'm assuming he'll have someone design the new flag and Declaration of New Independence once they secede?
Those questions were answered decades ago. He can create a fine net-like webbing, a stronger than steel single strand or a a gloopy splooge that acts like a sticky trap, and everything in between. I read alot of comic books growing up. And Penthouse letters.
That was a great scene in No Way Home when the three Spideys were talking and Garfield and Holland, who have webshooters they built, and Holland asks Maguire "does it just come out of your wrists? Or does it come out anywhere else?" lol
My favorite response to that whole thing was "that's a lot of effort just to learn how to make a salad."
Oops, I'm late to the party this week. Hubs had yesterday off and I thought it was Saturday. My concept of time is bendy. Speaking of bendy, I want to hear more about this spiderman porn thing. Spoiler Fixed
Are you trying to get Net arrested for hosting child porn? There's NO SHOT that girl is over 18....If it wasn't for the triple E cup, I'd guess she was like 13 max.
Perhaps I am wrong to assume her age. I just googled hippy porn. I added a different picture so there is no question.
She looked young but not obviously under 18 to me. The suspicion of her under aged ness made me feel weird though. So byeeee
Jesus H. Christ, and you people would give me shit about posting bush porn. Y'all obviously have no room to judge me. Anyway, you know what I really hate? When you reach down to pet a dog, an at the last second it decides to tilt its head up, an you slam your hand into its wet nose. Stupid dogs. Every fucking time.
Can’t wait until a “former special ops friend” starts explaining to him that it’s bullshit the government wants to know how many guns they all have.