I typically drink 2-3 energy drinks a day. I recently tried a new one that came out that said it had creatine in it, and I thought I was going to die. That shit is not for me.
Okay, so why haven't they sunk them to the bottom of the ocean yet? Isn't that how all of those Asian countries deal with their trash?
Creatine works for me in small amounts. Like everything except for sex, too much of it is going to be a problem. Check to see if it has vitamin C with it though. You get too much vitamin C and your digestive system becomes a raging river.
I never felt any different on creatine as anything else, except the creatine shits. Most pre work outs have it at 5g a serving which is all anyone really needs.
Rye and bourbon are two different things, you peasant. It is worth it for bourbon, but not so much for vodka. One of my functional alcoholic friends swears he hasn’t had a solid dump in over 10 years.
I just received this toothpick crossbow I ordered on Amazon for $10. Didn't tell my wife about it until I put it together and showed her (too powerful to shoot at her). I got a blank stare followed by "that's the most rediculous thing you've bought on amazon.... and keep in mind a few years ago you bought that glove for your dick." The crossbow is surprisingly powerful, about half a pound pull I'd guess. I came with a display stand.