This has never been my experience, in Calgary, Winnipeg or southern Ontario. Finding a GP is slim pickens; I'm actually considering just finding one in Michigan and paying the fees as required. At least you'd be able to see someone the same day, they would actually talk to you and then follow up. GPs should be as easy to find and switch as dentists are, IMO.
Lol what? You very rarely get same day appointments with your pcp in Michigan. I think you have a strangely idealized picture of the American healthcare system.
Never had a same day appointment unless someone magically had canceled.Now that I think about it, that was usually dental, too. I've had a ton of different experiences between living in AL, OR and HI. Not sure if rural vs city, primary care vs specialist makes a difference. I will say that overall experiences in this rural area have been poor. Crazy time out for scheduling. The system is totally overwhelmed. BUT, the clinics have been pretty damned prompt with their appointment times, and if you don't check in 15min early they consider it missed. I've checked in early and waited hours for my 8am pcp appointment in a city, but then again.... Alabama.
I'm sure there's a variety of service level in the US, just like in Canada. My experience with the US is that it's way less. Example: I have had the worst allergies of my life this year. It moved into a bronchial thing that would not go away and put me in the hospital twice over the summer. It took months to see my GP about it, and he eventually wrote a referral. Weeks later, I was contacted by the GP's office and told that the allergist would call me in 12-18 MONTHS to book an appointment. Called an allergist in Port Huron, they were apologetic that they couldn't see me until the following week. So, yes. Same day service is a bit hyperbolic in some cases, but it isn't ^that.
My family doctor is hard to get same day as he's the most popular doc at his office, plus he's a bike riding sabbatical taking bastard. Usually a week ahead if I want to see him specifically. There are a half dozen others at the practice you can see that day if you want. Only delays for a specialist Ive ever had was for my shoulder, near Christmas (apparently people backload appointments before the new accounting year for health insurance coverage) and it was also during covid. It was a month or so wait. After that log jam cleared it was 2ish weeks. Not bad. Even with that the shoulder specialist was a surgeon who could have gotten me in under the knife within the week if I had needed but he didnt recommend that route.
I can definitely get in to see my GP same day, unless he's on vacation or it's like 4 pm when I decide to go. I know that's not the case for everyone, but GPs around here generally try to be same-day available to encourage more people to see them, instead of going right to a specialist.
I liken it to dentists. If I had the same freedom with GPs that I do with dentists, that would solve a lot of it for me.
It took me 6 weeks to get in to see a dentist after I smacked my face with a hunk of lumber and lost teeth. Another month to get a temp bridge put in. I have way better access to my GP than my dentist. Hell... I have my GP's cell number. I'm not saying that is normal, but I am saying that my experiences are vastly different than yours.
According to Spotify, my top artists for the year were: Nine Inch Nails, Miles Davis, N.W.A., The Rolling Stones and The Jeff Healy Band. That’s quite a mix.
I just checked my Apple Replay, and I think there's a glitch. The songs sound fine, but the artists are...clearly not in my heavy rotation. 1. Kings of Leon (okay) 2. 30 Seconds to Marks (okay) 3. Ren (really surprised he's not #1, but I guess I listen to YouTube way more than Apple for this) 4. Michael Jackson (uh...what?) 5. Ed Sheerhan (WHAT?!) I don't have a Jackson or a Sheerhan playlist, and neither artist is mentioned in my top 50 songs played, so I don't know how the hell they're coming up with these numbers. I would think The Big Push or Depeche Mode or GNR would be WAY higher up. I call bullshit.
I think that my Spotify was accurate. Top 5: The Fiery Furnaces, Eleanor Friedberger, Torres, Alanis Morissette, Miranda Lambert. I saw the last three in concert this year, so I was on a kick for awhile.
I'm surprised more of the salsa music didn't make it on the list. Me and baby listen to an abnormal amount of salsa playlists.
Anytime someone posts a screenshot from their phone, I'm always surprised how many people roll with such low battery. If my battery get's below 40%, I start getting edgy.
I forgot to charge is overnight. It has died 3 times today. I charge it up to like 12% while Im doing something else and then use it til it dies again.
You know times are tough when you have to lock up your Spam.
Some of us less classy folk can’t walk around with a fully-charged phone all the time, you know? Electric bills don’t pay themselves, that’s why I charge mine with a watermelon and a bowl of ice.