Homemade salsa is now my go-to for large get-togethers. It lasts longer than a bottle of wine, it's easier and cheaper to make than a side dish, and 12 cups of it serve a lot more people. I don't know why I didn't figure this out earlier.
After listening to DDP on Rogan's podcast I am seriously thinking about starting his yoga program. Im determined to do Sober October this year which is another Rogan universe activity. Since there is only one UC home game in October Im in a better spot not to be tempted.
His Yoga program has been co-signed by many as one of the best there is. He’s brought guys who were hopeless cases on the brink of death back to full health. Page became a genuine humanitarian out of this, and he’s at the status of a living hero amongst the pro wrestling scene. Getting people to switch from addiction to pure pro-activity like they have a second youth is incredible to say the least. Chris Jericho who has wrestled for 30 years swears by DDP yoga, saying it’s made long-suffering injury pain vanish like magic. Jericho is as honest and as fearless of a human being that you’ll ever meet.
If I came to your party expecting to drink wine and ended up with some salsa, I would be disappointed.
Every single person I know who made a career in an extremely physically demanding line of work, combat arms, mining, construction, etc. that then tried yoga, has had nothing but awesome things to say about how well it helped to regain mobility, reduce/eliminate pain, etc. Due to our deciding to build a house when we moved out of the condo (finally close this week, yay!) I haven't spent anywhere near as much time on the bike as I have over the previous 4yrs. The local bike shop in the new neighborhood has a weekly evening ride and the few times I've been able to go I've found myself progressively wiped out by the end of the 15 mile route...hoping once we're in the house and settled I can start riding more regularly again; I hope I get back to my normal mileage without too much of a struggle.
So... I had a bit of a scary fucking day yesterday. I was in bed, waking up, and stretched. My neck was in a bit of a weird position, and something went "click", much like when you crack your back or your knuckles, but the next thing you know, the room is spinning like I'm in a washing machine. My eyes were spinning from left to right incredibly fast, totally uncontrollably. I had zero equilibrium. I tried to sit up, and it just got worse... and then got better, as my eyes started to relax a bit and stop spinning... and then they fucking started spinning the other direction. I tried to get out of bed, but I had absolutely no sense of balance. It reminded me of my days back in flight school when we did spin recoveries using only instruments... you had to ignore what you were feeling, and fight through it, and trust that what you saw was the "real" thing, not what your inner ear was telling you. Like a super drunk guy laser focused on finding the john, I grabbed my phone, and stumbled/crawled slowly to the toilet, where I proceeded to throw up for about 2 minutes. After about what seemed like forever, but was more like a minute, my eyes stopped spinning, and things started to settle down a bit, visually, but got way worse from a nausea perspective. I dry heaved for another 2-3 minutes, until finally, it settled down. I thought I was having a stroke. While alone in the house. You'd be amazed at the thought process you go through. Am I going to die? Is this it? You think about all the shit in your life that is not organized, that your family might have to work through. I thought of my dad's death in the bathroom a few years ago... was I going to experience the same thing? I can't say that my life flashed in front of me, but the unorganized, unplanned potential end of it sure did. It was not a good feeling, and it was a hell of an adrenaline shot. Things settled down enough that I was finally able to stand up and look at myself in the mirror, smiling, and speaking, and looking for any obvious signs of stroke, or heart attack, or brain aneurysm... and then things just kind of settled down. I was torn about whether or not I should call an ambulance... so I took about 5 minutes and really self-assessed myself. I actually felt OK... just a bit hungover. And scared. I've heard of spontaneous bouts of vertigo, so started to hit up the internet, and sure enough, it seems like I'd just experienced Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Basically, there are little calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear, and sometime they kind of flake or fall off, and then get sloshed through the inner ear fluid, causing crazy nerve signals to go to the brain. My little stretch, and neck pop, was enough to dislodge some of those crystals and send me on a hell of a ride. What. The. Fuck. I called my doctor (old family friend who was more than happy to take calls at home), and I explained everything to him, and he agreed that while really scary to go through, this is somewhat common. He said it sounded normal, all things considered, and said going to the ER was my call, but he didn't think it was needed... just stay attentive, and if anything weird starts happening, call an ambulance. Otherwise, come see him tomorrow (today). So yeah... went to see him today, and everything is just fine. Sometimes being older, and living alone, can be a bit fucking scary.
I thought you were still in your mother's house? But yeah, the thought of living alone is fucking petrifying to me. In fact it gives me anxiety just thinking about it. At least with my health issues, and since I have to take medication just to make sure I don't have a damn brain seizure outta nowhere that could kill me. Never mind all the other stuff, like slipping in the shower (done: torn rotator cuff), falling off ladders (done multiple times: broken noses and one broken wrist), falling off my roof (done: concussion). Hell one time my allergies were real back and the nasal drainage went down the wrong pipe, so I started choking in my sleep. By the time I woke up, I was no longer making any noises choking, which meant I could no longer get air. Couldn't wake up my wife so I grabbed both hands into a ball, pressed them firmly against my stomach, and threw myself against the bed frame in a last-ditch self-Heimlich which fortunately worked. Yeah, fuck that. Glad you're ok. I would have just gone to the hospital and not messed with googling it. Especially with your fancy pancy health care up on the tundra.
The thing is, after it passed, I was fine... so I would have shown up in the ER without any symptoms and would have (reasonably) had to wait hours and hours to be seen while others that were more in need of help would have been sent in front of me. Realistically, I would have waited in a waiting room until such time as my doctor's office opened and I would have seen him at that point.
I have had rocks on your ears before. I was like 23 when I first got it and it freaked me the fuck out going from every day normal to completely losing your equilibrium when you lay down or get up from bed. I thought I was getting a brain tumor. The fix is so stupidly simple I couldn’t believe it. I actually just had it a little a few weeks ago luckily my tossing and turning in bed mimics the positions you roll in to get it to go away.
Read this and laughed, and then I remembered that every time I lay down on my back I get dizzy for about 30 seconds and I immediately stopped laughing and it's been that way since basically forever. I always just assumed this was a side-effect from the brain tumor, but once I looked up BPPV that explanation makes a lot more sense Hmm... learn something new every day!
Of course they are... it's an emotional, illogical touch point that resonates with his base. (did I get all the buzz words right?)
These people sound like those sovereign citizens reading to traffic cops off their cheat sheets. He's about to get pudding popped in prison and they can't handle it. Haven't seen a good ole fashioned riot in a while, this should be entertaining.