Anybody who riots over this should have crosshairs trained on their forehead. If he still has loyal followers, we can start thinning out the overcrowding population with them.
It's sad that the media is referring to Cosby as an American icon, America's dad, sometimes as an actor and comedian.... instead of "serial rapist Bill Cosby."
Sad in what way? How is that any different than not referring to him as Convicted Rapist Mike Tyson, Felony Tax Cheat Pete Rose, Wife-Beating Terrance Howard, Repeat DUI-ist Lindsay Lohan or Pedophile Jeffrey Jones? Etc.?
You make a good point. With the caveat that in the cases of Tyson and Jeffrey Jones, those crimes rise to the level that I immediately associate them with that. Mike Tyson might have been a boxer but he will always be a rapist. Jeffrey Jones might have been the creepy principal in Ferris Bueller, but he'll always be a creepy pedophile who shoulda gotten jail instead of a slap on the wrist. Barry Bonds might have been a great baseball player, but he will always be a piece of shit wife beater.
Nah, Tyson didn’t rape that girl. He did lots of questionable things back then, but that girl railroaded him and many have accepted that.
That girl? Are you talking about Desiree Washington, the one he was convicted of raping? Or, Robin Givens, his wife he beat? Or, Erinn Cosby, that he also raped? I get them mixed up.
Scary shit, ain't it. Glad to hear it was something manageable. I had a somewhat similar episode a few weeks ago - I had just gotten up and was walking from the bedroom to the stairs when the whole room started to spin and I was barely able to avoid falling down the stairs and just managed to sit down on the floor and lean against the wall. My sense of balance was comepletely gone. I also began running through the dire possiblities, heat attack, stroke, etc. My wife had left for work and I could not even crawl to the phone. Fortunately, after a couple of minutes, it passed. I called the wife (who still regrets not going to med school) and she said it was probably dehydration. Ding, ding, ding, I don't like plain water and had stopped dinking soft drinks cold turkey. I now make sure to drink more liquids and no recurrance. I'm normally quite introverted and am just fine being alone. This did make me wonder if I would have survived anything more serious. Not a comforting thought. Drink your liquids boys and girls.
What's sad is that a man with all that talent, having all that money, having all those adoring fans, who could have easily gotten all the pussy he ever wanted in the normal way, did what he did. Robert Culp, his co-star in I spy, once said Cosby was the angriest man he had ever met. Why?
I think it’s more than simply getting rejected and then drugging the women. I think there’s a malevolence to it that he enjoys, committing the act and not getting caught (for the longest time). There is a “power” thing he seemed to crave even with the INSANE celebrity power he already had. He’s a sick fuck.
Yep. And, his son was murdered while changing a tire, and his other daughter died waiting on a kidney transplant.
I only knew about Ennis. So the guy who just got sent to prison for raping multiple women has a daughter who was raped by another celebrity. That's just crazy.
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