One of my father's day gifts that I highly recommend if the father does any home improvement or mechanical work. I got to open this one early yesterday cause I was putting together a second chicken coop. Magnetic wristband, it was a huge time saver.
I have the wristband and the tool belt. Both are very handy. My daughter/wife aren't too keen on the "come here and hold this for me" routine, so the wristband is great to have screws and stuff at the ready.
also works great to wrap on a ladder. I have a storied and rather painful history with those fucking things, so the more efficiently I can use my time on them the better
I have to say I’ve had my cordless tools for a bit now. I love them. Highly suggest the impact driver and ratchet. I personally still suck at keeping tools organized. Sockets are all over the place. The tools have evened out the time spent looking for individual sockets. So a net positive.
The bug assault gun is one of my favorites. Pair with a pump action bb gun to annihilate carpenter bees and an electric fly swatter that looks like a tennis racket. Hours of entertainment. One of the best Father's day gifts was a simple, shitty remote controlled car with a $10 bill taped to it. The whole point was to race to get to it before the dog caught it and tore the bill all to hell. Absolute blast, until one of my cousins ran for so long he threw up. I was very close to getting my 59 year old father a shirt that had "Sex Trophy" written in bright red sequins, but my sister said she would sooner light me on fire than explain what that meant to my niece. So, my niece magically got a manicure set in the mail and a gift receipt that said "Papa wants a manicure for father's day". That is inspiring.
I’ve used those racquets before, and they didn’t work very well. You needed a large bug and had to hit it straight on. Or you had to drink a swig of beer and lick the racquet. Hours of fun.
I get to post the greatest video in history again. Why am I posting now? Because they just named the area this:
Anyone else watch this Epstein thing on Netflix? It’s all kinds of fucked up. And I’m not finished with the first episode.
Yeah we have the racquet and it's kinda junk. Not powerful enough. It just stuns flies which eventually get up to annoy the piss out of me again. The only direct kills I've gotten with it are when the fly gets stuck in the mesh. The other problem is that I'm afraid of spraying fly particles around in the kitchen. Mmmm.
Had a tough call this weekend. One of my sons had travel ball with my ex, 4 games in two days. I went to all of them but the last so I could spend time with my wife and other kids Sunday. Of course the last game they do something for the dads and I’m not there. My son (9 y.o.) asked me if I had to work and that’s why I didn’t come. I hate travel ball and everything it stands for.
That must have inspired the movie Tremors. I just started watching Ozarks. So I have a show I actually need to close my computer to watch again.
I had the opportunity to show that to a friend of mine for the first time a couple weeks ago... he'd never heard of it before, nor seen the video. It. Was. Awesome.
I've seen those racquets, and they look really cool, but I wondered about their effectiveness. I wonder if there is a way to pump up the voltage on one of those racquets to make them fry the fly on impact... Full disclosure: Jungle Julia loses her shit when there is a fly in the house.