Is that like the proverb “if you choose to find no joy in the heat, your nuts are still going to stick to your leg?”
Snow is fun for vacation. Give me my 90 degrees 80% humidity 9 months of the year every time. It is 36 here I am indoors and still have on long johns, under a blanket, next to a dog and a fire. I’d never make it in real cold.
I just changed the oil on my snowblower and set up my battery maintainer for the electric start. I can't wait for the first big dump of snow so I can go play in it. We are different people.
Reasonable minds can disagree between the winter wonderland of the North, and the sunny warmth of the West. But those swamp creatures living in the ungodly oppressive heat and humidity of the Southeast are objectively wrong. The description "hot and moist" belongs in shitty erotica, not in a weather report.
On this we can agree. I’ve spent some time in Southern California, and completely get living there for the climate. Low humidity, 70-75 almost every day, no snow or ice. It’s enough to make me overlook the homeless encampments and hobo piss smell.
I'll take 9 months of 90* heat and 80% humidity over having a snowy season. I don't think I can overexpress how much we fucking HATE the cold. Anything under 70* is jeans and a long sleever weather. Temperatures under 50* should not exist. Edit - A Facebook memory popped up recently and it said something along the lines of "It's 50* out, I have my boots on with two pairs of socks, jeans with thermals on, undershirt, long sleever and my Carhartt jacket on and I am FREEZING"
I got to drive tonight through the 7 inches that dropped in southwest Pennsylvania today. It's been awhile since I've driven through that much fresh snow on mountain roads. Thankfully, the dumbass in the Charger that thought it a good idea to ride my ass for about 25 miles across the eastern continental divide from Wellersberg to Somerset so close I couldn't see his headlights over my tailgate never slid into me.