At least the French HAVE cuisine. Ever been to England? The word does not exist there. In fact, what they do eat there leans towards the opposite of food.
You're not kidding. Jellied eel and offal? What the fuck is wrong with you? Other countries have disgusting dishes too, but unlike the Brits they have great ones to balance it out.
Yorkshire pudding is the best thing to come from there, and it isn’t even a fucking pudding, it is some sort of tasty bread. WEIRDOS.
Im not sure if that article is meant to cultivate some kind of endearment from readers, but everything on that list sounds disgusting. Ive been to the UK once and Im going for a wedding in September. My wife's friends husband is all jazzed up to try a full english breakfast. Its just not all its cracked up to be. Blood sausage, baked beans and grilled mushrooms for breakfast? Fucking limey weirdos.
Straight-up gross. If you want the English to serve you proper food, just bring a gun with you in September. You’ll be the only person that has one, therefore you will become The Master.
As both our nations are children of that foresaken country, Im glad we have an ocean between us and them. In all seriousness though, England does have some world class food. It just happens to be Indian food and not traditional British cuisine. Bangers and mash is dope, but its sausage and mashed potatoes. Kind of hard to fuck up.
That’s how we ate good while in England— we ate at other ethnic restaurants. I remember we ate at this Italian place near Piccadilly Circus that was out of the world. The meal also cost about as much as a crystal piano.
England has some of the best Indian food in the world. Also: blood sausage, shepherd's pie, and pasty (pastys? pasties? It's meat and potatoes baked in a crust) are all excellent.
My MIL(Indian) is the best dam cook. If she asks if i want to come over for dinner, it is always yes, i don't care what she is cooking, it is always yes. My wife sometimes jokes that the only reason i married her is because of her mothers cooking.
Not a fan of Indian food. I went to a legit Indian wedding and over the course of 3 days, ate virtually nothing but Indian food and tried every thing they put in front of me. It ranked from spitting it out into my napkin bad, to meh, it's not bad but I'd never order it. First stop upon leaving was McDonald's. It gave me a mouthgasm.
Met someone named “Amiracle” today. That might be the most laughably dumb name I’ve ever heard. That might now be the standard.
Does anyone here have an Apple Watch? And if so, do you exercise wearing it? And if so, how is the watch holding up to sweat and other elements? I’m considering getting one, but don’t want it to get all fucked up looking like a cheap sports watch or something.
There was a girl that was an engineer that came to certify some of stuff once or twice a year that had a daughter named "patience"
Patience is an old Puritan name, which reminds me that there was a prominent English economist named Nicholas If-Jesus-Christ-Had-Not-Died-for-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon.