Friends of mine have them and workout with them. They hold up well, but like anything on your wrist it'll start to show wear if worn constantly. For the same or less you can get a Garmin watch that's made to wear while exercising. I've worn a Garmin Fenix 3HR almost all the time since early 2016 and other than replacing the band once its held up extremely well.
Couldn’t be as bad as Ethiopian food. Imagine everyone eating off one large plate. You’re given, what is essentially tortillas, and you use those to pickup various piles of mush around the communal plate. Everything has the consistency of refried beans and there are strangers dipping their fingers into it. Pass.
Yeah I don’t like boiled dirt either. But there’s an Ethiopian restaurant in one of the outer areas of the city here that’s amazing. From appearances, it looks sketchy as hell. It’s just a hall with a few scattered tables and chairs and a window to the kitchen that you order from. That’s it. It was delicious though and they do some really cool stuff with different kinds of spices. I’d go regularly if it wasn’t absolute pain to get to.
Even better, the title of his Wikipedia page is "Engelbert Humperdinck (singer)" as if there is a need to clarify.
He lives in Boston. You have to navigate a winding labyrinth to get anywhere, then defeat a drunk lawnchair in hand-to-hand combat for the right to park in its spot.
While I don't doubt that is an accurate description of how feasible it is to get anywhere in the greater New England area, you clearly missed the joke.
Heh. It’s in a neighborhood called Roxbury, which sounds like the fun Will Ferrell SNL sketch until you get robbed at gunpoint.
Offal when made into a decent recipe is good, Haggis is actually pretty good and is basically just meatloaf with more oats. They'll eat kidneys straight for breakfast, gross. My mom's boyfriend is British and Jewish and boy that guy brings around some shitty food. Gefilte fish. Pickled Walnuts (the grossest shit Ive ever eaten). Most of their "puddings" aren't terrible but I don't get how they'd ever become beloved, just so MEH. Their only real culinary contribution is westernizing what we now consider Indian food. Most Indian restaurants in America are just straight British style. Having lived in China, there were a handful of knockout dishes that we miss out here in the west because of our palates. Real Kung Pao chicken with the traditional chinese spices is the stand out. Beyond that for the most part mainland Chinese food is still stuck in the "poor" phase. Hot pots which with good cuts of meat are great, they mainly just use the cheapest cuts and or the parts that typically get thrown out (tripe is the big one I remember and chicken feet). Since proper deboning makes cuts more expensive you'll see a whole lot of dishes with cleaved bones still attached to the meat. Our maid would make chicken wings and cleave them up so each bite was like 90% bone 10% meat morsel. Dont miss that. They claim leaving it in makes it tastier but it just made it annoying to eat around. Might brother's Chinese American girlfriend would eat shrimp with the shell on because it "tasted more like the sea."
I got fucking towed because a sign had the text wiped off it while volunteering and had to walk through Roxbury as the sun was setting to get to the tow yard.
Erg. Happy dead sugar daddy day, I guess. It's still summer but not the 4th yet. Let's keep this party rolling. Its national Paul Bunyan day today. Go hug a lumberjack. If you're the lumberjack then hug yourself, cuz you're worth it. Self love. Mmm!
And it's Canada Day on Monday... and I'm here in Tokyo with a fellow Canadian. I brought a huge bottle of Fireball to share with the officer here... it should be hilarious. I mean, what better way to celebrate Canada Day than to do shots of really shitty cinnamon flavoured whisky?
Aw look. They even have shirts in honor of Brad and Demanda.
If you've popped and just cant stop, her porn name is Melina Mason. She is.....prolific. Her intro on pornhub is kinda funny. Spoiler Lolok.