Almost a thousand years old. Took two centuries to build. Napoleon was crowned emporer in that cathedral. It survived the craziest wars and revolutions the planet has ever seen. How much you want to bet a cigarette did this?
Nah, karma. That place represents the largest collection of kiddie touchers since the penn state athletic department.
From the painting contractor. It's always the painters. "Hur de dur, I didn't realize I couldn't use my blow torch next to the kerosene."
I'll take what I can get. Sadly, this will only make Notre Dame fans even more insufferable. Sounds like the bell towers and some of the masonry survived, which I am happy about. I appreciate Notre Dame from an art perspective like you said about the vatican, but as far as what it represents, I see little difference between it and the Civil War monuments that have become en vogue to tear down. This being so close to easter, I wouldn't rule out that fire being intentional. Though of course more likely to be like someone said a cigarette butt or a electrical issue.
Just let it comfort you that they’re still powerful, lived, and pay no taxes whatsoever. I like to imagine things like “Would the NFL still exist if they raped at least forty thousand children in three decades?” I used to think the bible was the worst thing about Christianity. Boy was I wrong.
That’s fantastic. It sucks that only a decade ago they finished that multi-million dollar renovation that cleaned off the soot-blasted facades, returning it to its crazy white glory. It’s just fucking awful. It’s such an unforgettable building to walk through, it was my favourite place in Paris and that’s saying something. I hope the Rose Windows are still intact.
Probably Diogenes still wandering around on his quest and tripped over a baguette or some other stupid French thing.
Welp, Im not going to link directly to it here, but I watched the leaked Avengers Endgame footage. Wish I hadnt, spoiled way more than I thought it would. Im just surprised the entire MCU ended up being a dream of Howard the Duck. Kidding. But seriously, unless you want the movie ruined, stay away from it.
In a way it makes me sad because if any monument or building in the US was destroyed I don't think I would even give a shit. We don't really have anything to lose as historical or majestic like the cathedral of Notre Dame.
National Carhedral is REALLY nice in D.C. but it’s entirely influenced by..... Norte Dame. The last building you want to see burned is a museum. Norte Dame is more museum than church. It has incredible art and work. That roof that is now vaporized was a galvanizing piece of architecture. Wifey and I went super early in the morning to go see it so it had hardly anybody inside except for a small mass in the main sanctuary where they were burning super-potent incense everywhere. I remember walking in there and it was so unimaginably surreal and had a genuinely spooky feel to it, in a good way. It is NOT bright like some huge cathedrals, it feels like Castle Greyskull on the inside. When you talk you feel like you’re in a sound studio, you hear EVERYTHING in the sanctuary. There’s exquisite art all over the walls. Some of them depicting really, really horrible things if you take the time to walk the dark corners. You know Catholics. Hey look, the golden cross remains completely unblemished after the fire. Somebody must have been watching out for it:
So some 700 million has already been pledged to help rebuild Notre Dame by French billionaires and companies. I wonder what the real cost of of this will be? The new World Trade Center cost just under 4 billion. Material wise the cathedral is nowhere close. Modern buildings techniques should help lessen the man power. I couldn’t see it being more than maybe 1.5 billion.