Self checkout since that was all I was getting each trip. I think after the 5th or 6th time the guy "managing" the self checkout caught on, but he never said anything to me.
So after watching The Queen's Gambit I started playing online chess again. The fact that online chess has evolved to the point where it runs an analysis of your game after you finish is really rubbing my face in the fact that despite losing two of my first three games, in both of them I was dominating early and missed really obvious mates before making a really dumb play and losing. I kinda liked it better when I thought I was losing all along.
Well, clearly Spoiler you need to take more pills and watch closer as the pieces move on the ceiling.
I spent today giving someone Bird of Paradise hair and y’all it felt so good to be creative for a little while.
I enjoy the channel. Ran into it when he teamed up with Smarter Every Day to collaborate on the bat... guy has a TON of very cool toys, some pretty solid engineering background, and is pretty deadpan on the deliveries. And his wife seems to have a solid sense of humour as well.
yeah I enjoy that back and forth, combined with actual cool smart shit that's also risky and potentially dangerous. This is something I could see being produced as a netflix or tv series, a la mythbusters.
Dude has over 1.5M subscribers on his channel... between marketing revenue and Patreon support, not sure why he'd want to go do a Netflix thing? He can afford to drop $40k on CNC machines for his basement... so he must be doing something right, and he's got 100% creative control. A few more collaborations with Destin (Smarter Every Day) and I bet those numbers will do nothing but go up. I mean, I know I support Smarter Every Day as a Patreon... needless to say I'm super excited to be getting a Trash Panda SED baseball: For reference:
the SED channel is what I point to as an example when I tell people I mainly just watch youtube now. There isn't a single show on tv that I watch with regularity, besides sports occasionally. But the wife binges stuff there so gotta pay those bills.
Anyone use BioBricks in their wood stove? My dad swears by them but I feel like they run the risk of over-firing the stove and run out quickly. Usually I get kiln-dried cord wood from a local farm, which is expensive, so I wasn’t sure if it’s worth changing out?