There are two ways to handle these situations. One dont say a god damned thing for 168 hours and let the incredulous twitter mob move on. Or Double down and pull a Trump. "Im not apologizing ever. Ive never touched that girl, Ive never been in the same vicinity, I'd never even seen a picture of that girl.....Id never touch her because her boobs are asymmetrical and her pussy smells. So it wasnt me." He's come out and apologized and thrown himself at the mercy of social media. I dont think groveling to the twitter mob is going to get him anything but more outrage.
There’s only one way: never talk about it. Ever. Don’t bring it up, and when other people bring it up you ignore it or change the subject. Every time. It’s the one and only thing that makes it go away. If it worked for a horrific, waste-of-space disease bag like Ari Shaffir it can work for anybody. Apologizing has never worked in the era of social media, ever, and the people who demand the apology are never actually deserving of it to begin with. They’re just the moral scolds who try to destroy lives from a thousand miles away, fuck them eternally. It’s like the Elephant’s Foot in Chernobyl: no matter how much it fascinates you, stay the hell away at all costs. And saying things like “her pussy smells” is pretty much violence against women these days. That’s how the Nerdist guy got MeToo’ed, basically by calling his pseudo-celebrity girlfriend a bad lay.
On this day, when we observe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy, I would like to ask, Boston: really? Yes, I know it depicts an embrace with his wife, and this is just a bad angle, but this is my favorite Twitter comment: Spoiler
Yeah, it does. I took pottery in college. The professor had a grading rubric that if you followed it, you'd get a 70% because you had to somehow go above and beyond that to score higher. The art students who ingratiated themselves to him scored great. Anyway. The only sculpture I received an A on was faintly vaguely vagina. This piece of art would have received an A++
This is what I saw. Isn’t interpreting art fun? Still better than the national monument in DC that looks like a high school kid did it. My current job doesn’t have great holiday schedule. None of the ancillary ones like MLK or Veterans Day. Booooo.
I really wanted to like it. I enjoyed the first ep, think i got somewhere through half of the second ep and stopped.
Yup, Spoiler: spoiler i am pretty sure it was somewhere after he went to rescue his daughter with her, and she got to her first and took her.
Yeah it makes a lot of sense at the right angle and in context of the photo. Still one side looks like a bald guy going down on a chick and another angle looks like an arm holding up a huge dong.
Absolutely. Overall, I think it's a piece of shit and I'd be super annoyed if my tax payer money paid for it.