Confirmed. My tax money probably did and I’m annoyed. But then again I’m mad anytime I have to pay taxes for anything.
Me after bringing a sleeping bag to Olive Garden and saying that I'm entitled to unlimited breadsticks for as long as I don't leave the restaurant: Spoiler
To be fair to the Queen of Performative Activism, Germany is not only ramping up burning coal again, they're burning lignite coal, which is some of the dirtiest coal out there. They also probably don't have a choice, but oh well.
If you want to see some absolute hilarity, some German riot police were out trying to handle some of the anti-coal protestors, and got met by, and severely beaten, buy The Mud Wizard. It's fucking hilarious.
That and basing their entire manufacturing model on natural gas they get from Russia. I guess it's better that they learn the lesson of, "Green Energy programs are not one-size-fits-all" than us.
That is an Earth Mage. You can see how he uses telekinesis to make mud magically fly at the cops. That last shove sent my ribs past Saturn. Too funny, dude.
Scientists Are Getting Eerily Good at Using WiFi to 'See' People Through Walls in Detail Makes sense. Any RF can be used as a form of radar. I won't delve into the creepy ways humans will use this factor
Starting to look at half/full marathons to register for as a running goal. there’s zero percent chance this can go sideways
Two words: body glide had it once where I was bleeding through my shirt (there’s some infamous marathon finish pictures where such a thing is depicted). It was not ideal. Then I did the bandaid trick. Then I learned of body glide, and I’ve never had an issue since
there will be a small incline, but it won’t be topped with a ladder. I tend to avoid those now at all costs
The half is obviously the most reasonable one if you want to finish, but you can run a marathon, not finish, but still get a half done?
I used to regularly run 16-18 miles, so in theory that distance isn't that bad. I know what it takes logistically as far as fueling, hydration, etc. Also given where I was at, and how quickly I've progressed, I don't want to over-tax my body by training for the full marathon distance just yet. Shoot for the half, on a completion basis rather than time, then assess how my body handled it and how I feel and go from there. Ultimate goal is to get into doing ultras, but that is a very long ways off, and still a pie-in-the-sky goal currently. Great if I can achieve it, but I'm not going to destroy myself in the process.