Unrelated, I got a snowblower yest- oh wait, forget that shit. Alec Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter!
You know what else is a real challenge? Defending against involuntary manslaughter charges. Which Alec Baldwin was just charged with.
I wasn't able to find a minimum prison sentence for Involuntary Manslaughter in NM, like many other states have. He could still not see inside of a cell, perhaps?
As the person holding the gun when it "just went off" (assuming he didn't pull the hammer back and release it so it slammed into the cartridge), it was a horrible accident and I could see him not seeing any jail time. But, if they can prove negligence, or a pattern of it, for him as the Producer, who was casual about enforcing protocol or ignoring information / warnings, that might cause trouble for him.
Absolute idiocy. The whole point to MMA is there is a stoppage when you can’t “intelligently defend yourself.” Well, the first rule of this is you can’t intelligently defend yourself. Good to know it was never Dana White who cared whether anybody employed by him gets hurt. Plus, this shit is fifteen years old. Way to stay ahead of things.
Wife and I were doin it, and I got hit in the head with a carved parrot art thing that was hung over the bed. We used to know not to hang stuff over the head of the bed, but we recently moved the bed to this wall and never moved the parrot.
In the movies, maybe. In real life they are more prone to shoving lit cigarettes into their eye, branding them with heated coathangers or cutting their scalps with knives (wounds and lacerations don’t.show under hair). Really… nice guys.