Yes, they will still allow you to throw yourself off a grain elevator if the chief surgeon at God Hospital gives permission.
Speaking of getting cleaned out... I regularly drank coffee for years, about 2 mugs/day, when I was in an office. Now I'm not in an office, I only drink it intermittently. I have guests visiting so I made a whole pot of coffee this morning and we didn't drink it all, so I got done with my second ~16oz mug about 30 minutes ago. Phew. Cleaned out is a good way to describe it. I think I flushed some stuff I ate at Christmas.
Seems fucking stupid to let it get to the point that he'd get hit. Last thoughts as he drowned: "but... but... I had the right of way!"
I don't think either saw the other one. You've got to look around those sails, they create huge blind spots. Even the windsurfer probably only had a small clear panel to look through.
That old jar of pink Everclear from the failed jellybean experiment has become the tick graveyard. I found 4 in my hair today. Might have to avoid those nature trails this summer...
I have so many questions about this whole post. But, the first one is, you're keeping ticks, that you picked out of your hair, in an Everclear jar?
Well, Ive read that vets will put ticks in rubbing alcohol to kill them. You definitely can't squish them, and they can carry eggs. My thought process was, I don't want to waste good rubbing alcohol on fucking ticks, but I have this nasty ass pink sediment filled Everclear that got pushed to the back of the cabinet. Waste not. Want not. Right? I know you really wanted to see my jar. Edit: "before" I'm guessing dog ticks.
SMFH... Anyway, if y'all go way back in the Kodak thread, I've got a picture of a shot glass filled with ticks soaked in alcohol. Alcohol does indeed kill them immediately. Fun fact: brake cleaner kills bugs instantly. It's my go-to when taking down a wasp nest.
I used the vinegar and soap mix for weeds on the wasps I found inside my bird feeder. Landed em all o the ground and then I stomped them. Good enough.
Well, I survived the stress test... yay. Most of the staff found my choice of shirt for the occasion to be quite funny... but I did get a few Nurse Ratchet "tutt tutts".