wait seriously? I'm super allergic to red wasps and this is incredible information. Does it shoot far? Any preferred brand for extra killing power?
I buy it in bulk (like gallon cans), and run it in a manual sprayer that you pump up to pressurize. You just have to be careful that you spend the $$$ on the proper sprayer, as brake clean will eat through plastic and normal garden sprayer seals, so your local NAPA or similar should have a "brake clean compatible" sprayer they'll sell you. Something like this: https://www.premacanada.ca/pmp-spry-btl-1l-viton-seal-fbs-50100 You can still get it in small spray cans, but I find that I use it for just about everything so go through it a lot where it's worth buying in the big cans.
When it comes to ticks, I stick the little fuckers to Scotch tape, fold it over and throw them in the trash. There, they can think about what they’ve done while the slowly die of starvation.
He's not even technically running yet. He's pulling that "I'm just visiting Japan to encourage tourism to my state. The largest tourist destination of which I'm actively trying to destroy."
Not only has that ship sailed*, if it were to strike an iceberg, many brave men would be lost. *Citizens United. Look it up. I do not foresee ANYTHING good politically in this country in my lifetime because of that.
Trying to cut back on the beer a bit because I've determined heavy IPA's and DIPA's are just liquid waistline. Tried weed a few times but don't like smoking at all. Landed on gummies for a bit but didn't like the 1.5-2 hour wait, tried the concentrated liquids but missed the sipping on something but recently found that Pabst is making 10mg cans of weed seltzer*. I'm still a booze guy but when I want a little buzz, low calorie and still get the experience of sipping on something, they hit the spot as does making mixers with tonic water and a splash of the more concentrated weed drinks. *I think big companies are going to start investing heavily in THC drinks. Seems like a lot of the younger crowd doesn't drink near as much as they smoke.
I have been captivated the craziness of the Lori Vallow murder trial. I only know two things for certain: there’s a lot of crazies in the world, and most of them are in Idaho.
Need some good suggestions for games you can play on your cell phone. Needs to be an action game or something that can get your heart going. Going through a terrible bout of insomnia and games can help get my mind out of the fog if they are exciting enough. I play FIFA on my ps5 at home but have never really messed with phone games. I used to play a tower defense game but even that was kind of slow. Need a quick pick me up when I’m on break.
Clash Royale was fun, but they just released an update that caused the community to go into revolt, so take that recommendation with a grain of salt. If you have an android, there are plenty of emulators available to side load, so you can just turn it into an NES/Genesis/SNES machine. Controls get a little tricker once you get to the N64 era and past that, but it's still doable. I used to play a lot of Mortal Kombat II on the toilet. Perfect round length for a good business.
Just when I thought “cool” was dead, these guys come up with the greatest way ever to kill starlings.
I've been playing a lot of Survivor.io recently. It's a clear ripoff of Vampire Survivor; however, it does have a bunch of different modes that you can play in much shorter bursts than VS, especially if you're trying to fit something in on a small break.