Talk about invented drama.... Crazy is all sorts of flustered because two of the roommates went out to shoot pool and didn't invite him. They didn't invite me either, I don't give a fuck in the least. Crazy just went on for 10 minutes while I was outside having a smoke about how disrespectful the whole thing is. I honestly don't understand why some folks need to create drama in their own heads, it's like their lives just aren't complete without drama. Most people claim to hate drama, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people dredge it up out of absolutely nothing for no reason and then stress out over it.
Quite some time. I still need to sink a well, put in septic and have the place leveled for a building site. Not to mention that I'll be in the middle of Bum Fuck nowhere and I'll need to make sure I have some sort of income. I could buy a motor home and be there next week, but then I'd be pretty much fucked. I'd rather avoid that scenario.
Boredom. It’s just that in order to cure the boredom, he’s doing it wrong. Do what normal people do: drugs. And leave the rest of us normies the fuck alone.
In Crazy's case I would be inclined to agree with the boredom theory, but I've seen it constantly with other folks that seem to have full lives. It blows my mind that people spend so much time analyzing and thinking about other's actions or lack of actions and then blowing it all out of proportion based on their interpretation of the events. Who cares if X did Y? They did it and chances are they didn't do it to spite you. The world does not revolve around you and people do not base their decisions and actions on how they effect you.
@toytoy88 How them grasshoppers treating you? It was hot as balls here this weekend (107*) so the wife and I went up to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. God damn is it beautiful up there. Panoramic view of the lake and a small alpine lake we came across on a hike.
It got even more interesting when a horde of stink bugs joined them invading the valley. Fuck bugs. It's going to be 107 here tomorrow, which sounds down right pleasant after the 111 on Sunday and 114 today. It's only a few degrees difference, but there is a HUGE difference between 107 and 114.
Well it’s surreal but I’m moving out of the 20 person office I’ve had for nearly a decade. I never used half of it and although my lease isn’t up, I hope my landlord will work with me on getting out of it. If not, on to small claims court. Props to my wife for bringing me down for the anxiety/depression ladder I’ve had for the past 6 months. Months upon months of drinking, not eating, barely sleeping has aged me significantly. Chasing payroll just to break even is a never ending hell. Setting up shop now in my basement with only a couple, select people. I did something similar two years ago when I moved out of my 4,000 sq ft house and bought a Cape Cod style cozy small house. I had used the money from the flipping the mansion to buy the current house in cash. I can’t tell you how good it feels not to have a mortgage. What’s next? With the basement office I’ll be tempted to move to a small office. May eventually have to do that but for now I’m riding out the freight recession with minimalism and it feels amazing. Peace of mind is more important than mansions or luxury cars. I will never, ever chase payroll again.
Congrats! I bet you're sleeping a hell of a lot better. We're on the other side of the coin. We just opened our second body shop this month. Time will tell if it's going to age me or get me to an earlier retirement.
The only thing worse than garlic soup farts, it turns out, are protein shake/bar and fiber farts. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard for the last few months (when I'm not injured) and wanted to get the most out of my workouts by using a protein shake in recovery and basically stuffing my face with as much good food as possible. I'm not a breakfast person, so in order to reach my gram-of-protein-for-lbs-of-weight goals I've started eating a protein bar on my way to work as well. Combine that with a bunch of greens and you have the makings of a biohazard in the tummy. My wife is afraid to come near me now.
I’ve been there All I can say is that if you have the right team and market conditions, it’s the best thing ever. If either one isn’t clicking, which was usually the case for me, it’s a living hell.
Portable tank air compressor might have been the best investment I ever made. Pneumatic tools are so much cheaper (and lighter). Re-tiling the bathroom this weekend and I got a dewalt air chisel for $40. Beats the hell outta doing it with a masonry chisel and hammer!
I might have to pick yours and others brain in this one in a few weeks in the DIY thread. I've started removing baseboards and am replacing outlets. After painting the floors and new baseboards are next. A pneumatic nail gun would be sweeeeet. Scratch that. Months. Let's be realistic.
Pnuematic nail gun and brad nailer were the first things I got for it. Check out amazon if you wanna have a heart attack on the prices. I get the convenience of a cordless tool in some cases, but for my purposes, a pnuematic tool that does the job just as well at like a third of the cost is a no-brainer. I'll deal with the hose and wheeling the tank around, which to be honest isn't that much of an issue.
Truthfully electric stuff is better then most air tools now. Our shop has mostly gone away from air tools. All red milwaukee.