Moreso that there’s a bunch of people so large that they apparently require disability scooters to get around. It’s like 18 decks of Walmart. I’ve been on a lot of cruises before and nothing compares to this. What are the requirements for getting a riding chair nowadays? Fucking cankles?
I call them “Exercise Cars” now. “What’s up Reggie? Going for a few laps to stretch your wrists?” I remember a long time ago I was in Vegas at some trough buffet and it was full of behemoths. Now, both my parents are a bit overweight, but they eat like humans. They eat regular-sized meals with healthy sides. They don’t pile a small mountain of just shredded cheese on a buffet plate and eat it. I fucking saw that. And then a single piece of everything off the desert bar on the other dinner plate. It was revolting. The meal was free anyways so we just left, we couldn’t take just how crass and gross the people were with their food, we’d rather spend money where normal people eat like normal people. We weren’t even remotely being snobs, it was goddamn WEIRD. Like when you accidentally turn into a rough neighborhood and drive in too deep. Only it’s with fat people. I won’t fault cruises entirely, because I hear the Alaskan and Scandinavian ones are boss but just about any other less than Royal Caribbean were designed for people who want to go on vacation, just not move around a lot. Or at all. And shovel limitless food down their throats while unknowingly running a bar tab up to infinity.
My girlfriend gets kind of wistful when I tell her stories from my younger days. I only tell her the most tame stories...she'd probably freak the hell out if she heard what my life was really like while she was busy studying to be a doctor. When I tell her the stories, she kind of frowns and says "I never got to have any fun like that." (Thank God for that. If she had stories anything like mine...oh dear God....) Anyways, with my buddy passing the other day she was asking me about him. What we did together. What made him a special friend to me. That kind of stuff. I sputtered like hell trying to come up with something, anything I could. I finally told her that we were roommates at one point, and on his 20th birthday I noticed that there were 20 steps up to our apartment. 20 steps? 20 birthdays? Coincidence? There's no such thing as coincidence. That settled, I decided we were going to throw him down the stairs because 20 steps 20 birthdays. He, obviously, thought this was a bad idea and put up one hell of a fight. It took a while, but finally we pitched him down the stairs. Sadly, he had a choke hold on me when he went down. So both of us went down the flight of stairs. That's some bonding shit right there. And the tamest story I have about my buddy. She looked at me like I'd just confessed to lighting kittens on fire. "You threw your friend down the stairs?" "Well yeah, but he took me with him." Maybe I should've told her how the usual Tuesday night in our apartment was him announcing "I'm going to go find us something to fuck" and an hour later he'd come back with 4-8 girls. He was a master at bring home bunches of girls. I could just sit at home playing my guitar and wait for him to bring me home something to fuck. (And the best part was they were never fat girls....he played the game on expert mode) I have a feeling she wouldn't like that story. Man. At times that shit seems like yesterday and at others it seems like that was someone else's life. Getting old sucks.
I just went to Wegmans and spent less than $100 for the first time ever. For the Texans, I think its comparable to Market Street. I ate 20 worth of sushi just to avoid spending more than that on cheese, wings and their hot bar. Anywhere better than Wegmans?
I don’t know Wegmans is pretty dope. Never have an issue there, especially with produce. Even Whole Foods has had rotten fruit once in a while in my experience. Near me I have a store called Roche Brothers which is pretty good, but Wegmans is better.
Gah, I miss Roche Brothers. Super salty Wegmans skipped over CT as well. Luckily we have a good co-op otherwise it would just be stop and shop or WF.
Yeah, but what you lack in Wegmans you make up for in Stew Leonard’s. One of the things I miss about living in Newington.
Going to try to get our two year old to hike with us today, she does REALLY well walking but hills on uneven ground will be a new test. This will definitely be an extreme exercise in patience for my wife. Stew Leonard’s is too far for us. Probably a good thing, that place is laid out to make you drain your bank account.
Well, the flat-earth home grown rocket scientist pancaked himself.
Video here. Man. Talk about some major Wyle E Coyote shit.
Yes, yes it was. And do you know why? Because when you are a self-made engineer.... that’s makes you NOT an engineer. Do you know how complex the teachings are just to learn about a normal automotive transmission? Much less an airborne vehicle that carries a controlled explosion inside of it. Built by a retarded person. Who is now strewn meat. He learned first-hand how “flat” the earth is when you strike it via terminal velocity. A project so idiotic, even the parachute wanted no part of it. And there was a documentary crew there filming about “homemade astronauts”. What a scoop!
To think this fuckhead used parts and designs created by super-brilliant scientific engineers.... to prove THEM wrong about the stupidity of believing in a round earth. How much do you want to bet he did ZERO studies in metallurgy, and it didn’t even consider the various melting points of the vehicle’s materials? The whole thing looked like a Road Runner booby trap and ended that way. Even watching “Jackass” serves as a deterrent to trying this, for fuck’s sake.