On the other hand, you could have a parent who plugs in a weekly destination into their GPS device and then ignores their navigation because their way is faster.
My dad has gotten lost more than once driving from St Louis to Atlanta thinking he found a shortcut thru Alabama. He still prefers to navigate via physical map no matter how outdated the info might be.
My dad won't use phone GPS (which is both free and superior to the GPS device he has) due to privacy/tracking issues. I don't even bother debating that with him. If you are pinging a tower, "they" can find your phone/you. He huffed once when we got lost in the backroads of Louisiana together. I was like here, let's look at this up to date map on my phone. He huffed and protested and I ignored him. We immediately were on the right track with about a 3min delay. My mom deals with his aversion to GPS. They usually go on trips to familiar destinations so GPS is a luxury and not needed. Mom sure as shit loved my GPS when we drove from AL to OR though. It knows the fastest way with traffic factored in and is usually great about knowing there are accidents, construction, police, or stranded vehicles along the route, as well as being able to help you find gas and other necessities. Like, I've never been in this part of Utah, I have no idea if we should get gas now or if there will be another exit with amenities. I had my phone up on the windshield for navigation during our trip and after we got going on the open road, would take it down to look at it for various things and she'd always ask for me to put it back after awhile. She also loved my smart phone when we had weird car issues halfway through the trip and was able to fix what happened with a delay but little trouble. She freaked out and called her mechanic 3x over an hour and he never answered or called back. I googled the problem. We got it taken care of and went on our way. Older people love to bitch about the younger generation's obsession with smart phones but there is a ton of practicality to them. It's not all just entertainment.
Oh, and my GPS (I use the Waze app) also knows the speed limit. Sometimes you miss a sign or the road is just really poorly marked. Occasionally the app is off but not more than a few minutes before it adjusts. My mom LOVED that feature because she is militant about her speed. I'm usually over by 5-7mph but you still need to know your baseline. A physical roadmap ain't gonna help ya there.
My wife and I have a storm door that is missing the key for it. My wife loves to keep it locked as a “extra measure of safety” even though we have a deadbolt on the main door. This can cause issues when I’m out and need to stop by the house during the day to get stuff. She now insists I text her anytime I come to the house so she can unlock it. I find that incredibly asinine and disrespectful just so I can enter my own house. Thoughts?
lol that’s what my buddies keep saying. I don’t know how far I wanna take this. In an attempt at humor, I told her I’d go buy a new storm door with keys and she said yes! I about fell out of my chair as I’m not pandering on this.
Agree with Wexton on that. Next time she went out, that lock would be disabled. Not removed, just disabled so when she says it's broken, nothing points to you screwing with it.
Have a mobile dude come make a key for it. Shouldn't be more than $50-60 and you can have them match it to the main door so you don't have to carry an extra key.
I could do that, but do I want to? I don’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill but where does one draw the line?
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that in marriage, even if you’re right, you’re wrong at times. It sucks, it’s bullshit, but sometimes you gotta take one for the marriage. Now depending on the specific issue and the occurrence of said issues is another story. A woman may fight with you if you’re stubborn but she won’t sleep with you if she loses respect for you.
Oh and here’s the real kicker- She doesn’t consistently lock it. Only off and on, sometimes not locking it for weeks at a time. It sure seems like a power trip at this point. She actually told me to sleep on the couch tonight over it. It’s so over the top stupid but I’m not going to yield to that BS just to appease her.
The cynic in me makes me think that there are times when she wants warning that you're coming in the house, nothing more.
Hell, step it up and put surveillance cameras in so you can see who's coming over, etc. It could also be some shit over video conference as well that she doesn't want you walking in on. Oh... wait... what I meant to say, "don't worry, this is perfectly rational behaviour and you shouldn't take it as a sign that something else is going on." /s
Offering the mobile locksmith will confirm or deny that. If she balks, and just says to text her, then yeah. If she's like "that's a great idea!" then No
I suppose she could be a cam girl. Although I’m leaning towards her just doubling down on her actions and not wanting to admit it’s stupid.