I wonder about the orcas that have learned to attack boats… have there been any human injuries or deaths as a result?
The trainer was killed at SeaWorld ten years ago because her hair dipped in the tank . She was resting against the edge from the outside and her height lined up with the glass aquarium viewing edge— the mom came up from the deep of the tank and the five-tonne animal grabbed the hair, and she was gone in a second. Nothing they could do. Took her down three stories and drowned her without even knowing.
That’s just the orca’s story… I don’t believe it… it was premeditated. “That fucking bitch didn’t give me no fish”
Crazy wind this afternoon. No trees down that I can see from my house but news reporting quite a few down. LOT of people without power though.
Friend of mine was flying back from Singapore today. San Fran was a no go, so they rerouted to San Jose for refueling. Made it to San Fran, now the airport is closed. Long way to go ti get hone to Denver. And he immediately hops on a flight to join me and the rest of my team in Montreal. Poor fucker.
Years ago I attended a training course near Baltimore. A woman in the course flew in from Korea. Less than two weeks earlier she had just moved to Korea from the east coast of the US. That woman was so jet lagged, the instructor told her if she felt sleepy, just take a nap and they'd catch her up when she woke up.
It's kind of difficult to document anything when they don't leave any survivors, or at least that's my thought. I'd rather believe they are friendly big yin/yang dolphins but are they just pretending? They are cool animals but now seeing them killing sharks, dolphins, and who knows what else I can't help but lump them in with other murderous animals and mentally rank them.
It's certainly probable there are multiple deaths due to orca attacks that we don't know about. But it's not the common, human-volleyball massacre scenario that RoTN suggested. Orcas have even been helpful to humans, if the Thaua people are to be believed.
I was mostly kidding and I've watched videos where they are either helpful or asking for help and honestly I think they're pretty cool. Just also very scary based on their intelligence and pack hunting like wolves. It would be interesting to get a better idea what motivates them to do some of what they do, like the attacks on sharks where they only eat their liver or dolphins, I really don't get why they're messing with dolphins.
Have you ever had the typical near death experience? Any 'walk into the light' moments? Because if YOU haven't, it strains credulity for any other person to claim they have. And I honestly can't remember if you posted that have had one
I mean how deep into this do you want to go? Want the humorous answer or the honest answer? "Yes I saw the light, and it was a goddamn train." Okay, now that that's out of the way, in short, no I haven't. Brain tumor surgery was absolutely that point for me -- in short, because I've re-told it a thousand times and don't want to bore anyone with re-hashing the details, it was a 7 hour surgery for a brain tumor two millimeters from my brain stem, surrounded by a cyst which was occupying a quarter of my brain. I was so hydrocephalic that my pituitary glands were herniating down my neck and my brain was so in danger of being impaled upon my spine from the pressure that they were *this* close from literally taking the surgical equivalent of a drill and boring into my skull to relieve the fluids. So yeah, I was really fucking close to death. Living will, discuss my own funeral arrangements with family members, whole 9 years. No "walk into the light" moment for me. Just absolute rock bottom physically and emotionally. I was absolutely fucking spent when I woke from surgery. However, at least in my experience, getting to that place just kicks in this survival instinct where it's like "I have to make myself get better right this fucking second." Going in, I wasn't sure if I was going to come out alive, but once I woke up afterward I knew goddamn well I was going to recover because I was going to will myself back to where I wanted to be. It was also that period in time which I really started doubting the existence of god, and started the process of my beliefs changing toward becoming confidently atheist. Basically, I started to believe in the full power of human potential, because I saw it in myself, and in the nurses working tirelessly to help me, and others who they knew weren't gonna make it (on the neurological intensive care unit, I was one of 11 beds when I entered; at the time I left, I was the only one of those original 11 to leave alive). As to your question, I don't doubt that some people see some form of light or whatever, because the brain is crazy and is certainly capable of producing those visions. However, those who said they went to heaven or whatever, I 100% think that's bullshit. They probably want to believe it's true. They've probably convinced themselves it's true. And that's sad, because they're giving that credit for saving themselves to someone else, when really they should be giving credit where it's actually due: their own body.