One weird thing about the move - the water in Nebraska is soft as fuck. My showers are twice as long because I don’t know whether or not I’ve actually rinsed off. In other news - I ordered some gear online so I can use my audio interface and GarageBand, and then run that into my phone. So in a week or two, I won’t only be recording myself singing harmonies - I’ll be able to record an entire fucking band of myself, without severely pissing off the neighbors. Oh, I forgot to add - I downloaded the Acapella app, that lets me make a multi-video recording. So my cover of “Eternal Flame” is me singing with myself and myself on backing vocals, accompanied by me on piano.
Didn't Digitech make a rack mounted version of that like 20 years ago? I always wanted to play with it....I'm sure it would make my shitty, half octave, out of tune voice awesome digitally harmonizing with itself.
Harmonizers have been around for a long time, but I’d rather overdub and be able to arrange the part with “oohs” and “ahs” behind the words and shit like that. The tough part is that you have to perform the whole thing live each time, without messing up.
My father in law once earnestly described The Green Mile as a feel good movie and still has not lived it down. In other news, our internet is out so I am on a forced Netflix hiatus. Fucking Comcast.
Percy is the creepiest, slimiest, most condescending crawl-under-your-skin douchebag cocksucker ever. All so fitting that the actor who plays him is just as creepy in real life, he didn’t have to try hard.
It does, but we know that won't happen. "At a price below zero, buyers would be paid to take delivery as there are costs associated with transportation and storage."
It reminds me of this piece of mail I received for some long distance company years ago: “Our research shows you spent a total of $0.00 on long distance calls last year. With our Maximizor you can reduce these costs significantly.” Soooooo... basically, I could bring that charge down to below nothing. Pay me, bitch.
That isn't really how that works. This just means that investors who bet that oil prices would be higher on 5/1 than they were when they bought their options lost a bunch of money. This is why even the r/wallstreetbets retards don't fuck around with commodities. There are three ways to make money on commodities: get incredibly lucky, hedge the hedge on the hedge of your hedge, or insider trading.
There were no retail traders involved in that contract at this point. No broker would allow it as they won't risk delivery.