My daughter and I watched that. We felt like we sat through 2 hours of brutality and poor script writing for a shitty ending. It was intriguing right up until the last 5 minutes.
put dear leader on the death watch list love how reuters was basically like "he's unhealthy because he's a fat fuck and a chain smoker"
And nothing of value was lost. Chances are he's already dead, the Norks first COVID-19 causality...if you believe their numbers. They're probably going through some sort of internal power struggle trying to figure out who their next head asshole is and craft a news story about how it was determined by the Sun God or whatever the fuck they want to push down their starving peasants throats that isn't food.
If he dies, it will end up some Turkmenistan-level fuck up where the president’s dentist ends up running the country.
Turkmenistan is the only country in the world with oppression and derangement to rival NK. It’s insulated by a concrete cult of personality. And the fuck who knows how many old Soviet nukes it sits on— a scary place.
not sure how to embed a twitch tv clip on here, but this is why you clear your browsing history before streaming
The principles of detection indicate to me that subject Cooldude and his pet snakes/scorpions will be listening to those Deathcab For Cutie albums stag tonight.
is that something in reference to him? I don’t know who that is or what’s going on. I’ve never watched a twitch before. Saw it on reddit though and thought it was quite funny.
I’m saying that because he feeds the geese to anime photos. I don’t even know exactly what twitch is. I always thought it was the thing that 19 year old girls with bolt-on tits use to get paid thousands of dollars to suck at video games. All of these “look at me” things came out at once in the few couple years, they don’t interest me enough to dip my toes in, including Istagrsm that shit is pointless. My daughter is addicted to Tiktok and is always behaving like she’s spastic in front of her iPod.
if anyone needs entertainment tonight, it's the NFL draft which is utilizing the format of basically one big zoom conference. Hot mics are gonna be awesome. Can't wait for the first gm to grunt "fucking belichump"