Auth0 is down, which really highlights the two kinds of engineers: "[Essential service] is down, looks like I'm taking the day off." "[Essential service] is down, I need to panic patch everything in existence."
There's a third kind: "[Essential service] is down, guess I can finally catch up on my documentation." Ha ha! Just kidding. Santa Claus isn't real either.
"baby ate dog food" was the 3rd google suggestion. That makes me feel better. I don't think "baby sucked on poopy duck egg" will make the list though. My kid's immune system is going to rock.
my three year old ate some of those crayons bath coloring tabs thinking they were candy. Turns out with the ingredients in them, they’re basically tums
Great. Now my wife has her mind set on getting an RV trailer because apparently she fancies herself a "glamper" as she calls it. Keep in mind she hates nature, and has never been in an RV. I asked her if she was okay with not taking her long showers. "What do you mean? You just hook up to water!" Yeah, so about how not every camp site has those..... We'll be renting one and going to a national park to break her in. Of course I think it's a fantastic idea, as do my two boys who are already into fishing and hiking with me and will get into hunting once they're older I'm sure. My money is on her being completely mortified by the experience and it playing out a lot better in her mind. Though if she isn't mortified, then I'm gonna be out a lot of money...
really want an airstream myself, but don’t want to pay the cost of a small house for one that’ll fit myself, my wife, and two boys. I grew up spending a week plus on end on a Westsail 42, so I’m quite used to comfort in small quarters. The airstream caravel would be more than plenty for us four, imo, but no way she’d be cool with that. so unless I can get something like the globetrotter on the used market, I’m gonna be going Costco brand here
There are entire coffee table books dedicated to Tin Cans and decorating them. We’re definitely going with red furnishings, already have the Adirondack chairs and side tables.
This all started because I mistaking told my wife that I don’t think international travel will be a thing for a while. But that there are so many amazing places to explore in this country that I wouldn’t really miss it. that was a very expensive conversation
I'm thinking about how I can easily bring a Green Egg with me, or some sort of outside simple griddle/grill with simple propane burners. If you look at that pic I posted, they have an interesting 4 burner setup that is pretty minimalistic... something like that, without the need for all the lids/etc of a normal bbq.
I've actually been thinking about how to fab up a rear bumper for the Airstream that would allow easy transport of those things, without having to worry about moving them in/out of the back of the pickup, or from inside the trailer itself... because we all know how clean and tidy bbq's are. Maybe something like a simple covered rear bumper cargo cage or something, like you'd normally find on a hitch of a jeep. Just a simple cage with a stainless/aluminum shell on it. Don't know. Sous vide and cast iron are already a sure thing for the trailer. But it's hard to do a 12 hour brisket smoke with that setup.
A Coleman camp stove with an old fry pan or a cast iron skillet has worked just fine for me for a long time.
Yep, and I have that stuff... but if I'm looking at spending a fair bit of time on the road (obviously), I want to be able to do some smoking, like I do with my Big Green Egg.