Did a picket fence from scratch. Post hold digger worked great until I got into tree roots and rock, hatchet and pickax made quick work of that though. Always better to err on the side of going deeper rather than shallow (that's what she said). First time building one and it turned out perfect, much to my wife's surprise. Edit to add that an impact driver makes live a thousand times easier with fences. I bought mine (makita) specifically for that, so it wouldn't split the boards and I didn't have to pre-drill or nail a thousand times over, and it was an absolute life saver. Now I use my impact driver just as much, if not more than my regular drill, and wish I had it earlier. But if you don't have one, you absolutely must get one before taking on a fence. It isn't a difficult project in the first place, but don't make it harder on yourself than it needs to be.
I got excited when Ali Spagnola followed me on twitter...then I saw she follows like 2 million people and I was not a comedic genius who was about to blow up on social media. My 10th year anniversary email went to my spam folder, but I still pop in as a lurker once a week or so to see what's going on. Hope everyone is doing well, except Toddamus, if he's even still around. Only person I've ever blocked on here. Fuck that guy.
Sounds like their public comments around how they approached GoT is really coming back to bite them in the ass. Good.
They also signed a 9-figure deal with Netflix do their own projects, so that probably played a huge part in it also.
So the Tool concert was absolutely unreal. Due to extensive fuckery with regard to ticket sales, the scalpers weren’t able to sell front row seats for $700/ticket they were charging. So the morning of, there were hundreds of seats available that never got resold. And bots can’t fill seats. So once the entry closed, venue officials started handing out “free upgrades” to people in the cheap seats. Mind you, cheap seats cost me $163/ticket. So we ended up getting upgraded to 6th row just off the to side of the stage. The closest I’ve sat for anything in my life. I could see the individual strands of hair on Adam’s head. I will upload some pictures later.
Not sure if it was a bullshit account, but this is what I saw, and immediately spread as truth: https://twitter.com/ForArya/status/1188194068116979713
I am pretty sure they were at some Con, and someone was live tweeting what they were saying. It was quite long. But yea who knows.
It also reads like a crazy satire, so it's hard for me to really see this being direct quotes... it really comes off like some disgruntled GoT fan taking some serious liberties with paraphrasing. Still funny to read, never mind watch the outrage it has stirred up.
Looks awesome... I wish I could see their recent tour, it's just not going to work out, unfortunately.
Just moved the old "rush tourbook" and "I'm building a fence" posts from the Halloween thread to here... not sure it they merged well or not... we'll see.
Maybe you can start a senility thread to go with your 10-year anniversary we're all getting more mature theme. Because, your ploy to get some of the past posting members to drop by and update the boobie thread failed miserably.
Senility? I assumed it was some of that delicious sangria he had in the freezer. Here Rush. You old boob mope.
Forget the boobie thread, what about the BOOTY thread?? By the Gods, I have to clear cobwebs off that thing!