As said before: eventually you will cross somebody who gives far less fucks. Case in point, the two girls who thought they could beat up a McDonalds employee because he dared to hand their $50 bill to a manager (store policy). So they spit in his face, hit him, and try to corner him. Well, this guy just did a dime in state prison for manslaughter. And what happens when you back a hardened convicted killer into a corner? Life comes at you FAST:
That confused, overweight, white woman shrieking about calling the cops is emblematic of western society in a nutshell.
Self defense. They hit him first and jumped the counter. If someone is coming at you with intent to do you harm (or has demonstrated that they will harm you), then beat the shit outta them until the threat stops -- usually this means until they stop moving. I don't know what people don't understand about this. If you go at someone, you're assuming they have the self-restraint not to defend themselves and beat your ass, which they have a legal right to do. And there's people out there just looking for that opportunity. That's a lot of faith to put in someone else's hands. That car video is scary. With the windows down she could have fucked them up in a heartbeat if she wanted. She was clearly willing to enter someone else's space. If I was the driver I would have hauled ass out of there.
I love The Slow Mo Guys youtube channel... they do some incredibly cool stuff with a $250k slo mo camera. Was catching up on some of their content I've missed in the last little while... This is some of the coolest footage I've ever seen them do:
She sounds like a fucking ambulance. I am amazed at the guy’s restraint to spare the rod on her after he wearing out Wanda Sykes and her sidekick.
Is it bad that I was giggling by that point in the video? No, maybe don't answer that. How utterly absurd. The two that jumped the counter got their ass beat so bad that the other employees are backing away in fear and the white lady is just screaming. I thought she was screaming STOP! though. What is he hitting them with anyway? It looked like he was wailing with a putter. I mean, I would have been under the table if that happened in front of me. But the video sure has a lot to offer.
you mean you wouldn’t have just left the building? I woulda been in my truck and popping the curb before the dude even got to those women. Soon as they jumped the counter, grabbed my things and noped the fuck outta there in a hurry
Depends on how close I would have to get to the action to get to the exit. Although, I learned from a young age that my flight response is well honed. I may have booked it for the door regardless. Hard to tell how i would react since I've never been in that situation.
After I watched "Dolomite is my name" I had to dust off my DVD copy of "Petey Wheatstraw the Devils Son in Law." I forgot how much I love these movies.
You're not alone. I like when ignorant people do ignorant things and it blows up in their face. Bet they won't be spitting or jumping counters again any time soon.
I worked at McDonald’s. Those scrapers have the same give as a piece of rebar or a police baton: none. Solid steel. His prisoner/convict reflexes made him instantaneously grab the best defence weapon in the entire building. And those chicks deserved every. Single. Blow. Indeed, justice was served correctly this time. But given the context, it’s nothing short of a miracle that the good guys won here.
Did you say that guy got 10 years for manslaughter? Or was that someone else? Did those chicks get killed?
He had already served 10 years for manslaughter and was out on parole . . . point being, you might want to watch you come at.
The shitty part was that he had to spend 7 weeks in jail... but otherwise, yeah, good on the Grand Jury.
you bolded the wrong part. It says he fractured her skull and she needed 20 staples.... for perspective, when they removed a quarter of my skull it only took them 45 staples to close it. so yeah, she has a permanent, large scar as a reminder she was a dumbass
He had just finished doing ten years in prison when this happened. Your options in employment after you kill somebody are very thin; - Fast Food - Roofing - Celebrity actor/producer ... and that’s pretty much it. Needless to say, they fucked with THE wrong person and everyone got a valuable life lesson from watching it. If he had killed them, they’d be martyrs.
I was watching the other people around him more than the actual beating itself. The terrified looks on their faces tells a much different story than your routine exchange of violence. Those were the faces of people witnessing a possible homicide in a fucking McDonald’s.