That's a fantastic idea but you're too late. I was able to sign up to be a vendor last minute for a July 4th event.
Happy Independence Day, everyone who celebrates! 'musical I'll miss not running Peachtree Road Race this year in Atlanta for the first time in over 20 years, but happy to eat some burgers and watch some baseball. Hope everyone has a safe and fun day!
Feet in the pool, pork butt on the Egg, beer in my hand, grandson in town, hot as fucking balls. Happy birthday America
Happy 4th you guys! I'm taking the day off to finish off some yardwork while the weather is nice and the dog is at daycare. Smoked some ribs in my little Bradley smoker, and they came out awesome. A couple hours of an initial cold smoke, and they had a hell of a bark on them: Finished them off with a wrap and a glaze, and they were damn tasty.
Me and the wife just had a snack and a couple of drinks (well, a couple for me) at the airport, About to leave the heat of NW Ark. to fly into the heat of New Orleans... to touch base and visit with some ungrateful (and some grateful) family. Happy 4th, fellow idiots.
I'm down here at the 4th of July event sweating my balls off. It's actually really nice in the shade with the breeze but I had sweat running down to my elbows after the bike ride here. Happy 4th, all ye idiots!
I mean, I wasn't judging. Just still learning things about each other after all these years together.
I have been told my taste in music is eclectic. So happy I could expose you to some very classy, very snazzy Khia. She's a treasure.
Now that the sun is behind the trees, I can finally get in the pool. It's so fucking hot that going into my 96* garage actually feels refreshing.
I think they should have opened the ceiling at Allegiant and let Brazil/Uruguay duke it out in 112 degrees of American Freedom. For shits and giggles.
And damn it, just got a new beer, was scrolling on my phone while I had a sip or two, went to put the beer back on the edge and completely missed it. Drop a 90% full beer in the pool.