You know, there's an old doctor joke... "Hey Doc, it hurts when I do this..." "Well then, don't do that." Just sayin.
Yeah... she announced a week ago that she has a brain tumor. Some of the "brain tumor extraction" robots that have surfaced have been hilarious. And in case you didn't know it, she pretty well dominates
Yeah that hit me like a punch to the jaw. Tumor is the same type as mine, same size as mine, in about the same area, and I was just a few years younger than her when I had my operation.
Who said true journalism is dead? "The New Jersey school superintendent accused of defecating on the high school track and field near his home has dumped his attorney, and lawyer No. 2 vows to rebut all “falsehoods” against his client." The writer managed to work "Dumped" and "No. 2" into the same sentence. Bravo.
So when do you start making shitty robots? Reminds me of The Shipping News... a movie I quite enjoyed.
Happy Birthday to Richard Arvin Overton, the oldest US war vet (And man in the US), 112 today. He credits his longevity to 12 cigars a day and shots of whiskey.