I went to the river a few days ago. I'm assuming these are sand flea bites? These sumbitches itch so bad. It's weird because I didn't notice them until about 2 days after the trip. Summer fun!
I thought that sand flea bits itched almost right off the bat. Those fuckers are really, really annoying.
I was going through my phone files and found these pictures from a few weeks ago. I was starting up a V12 Detroit Diesel pump engine, when this little girl came out to play: Spoiler Spoiler
Ive gone my whole life (and spent a shit ton of time at the beach for an inlander) and hadn't heard of these biting "sand fleas" until I heard Howie Mandel claim they were the reason he became a germaphobe weirdo on Bill Maher's podcast the other week and now you. He claimed when he was a kid they laid eggs in his skin and larvae hatched and his doctor put on a big show in an operating theater burning them out with liquid nitrogen until his mom burst in and rescued him. Sounded like bullshit. I had always known sand fleas as the big mole crabs you used as fishing bait on the shore.
The true sand fleas don't, but these https://www.cdc.gov/dpdx/tungiasis/index.html motherfuckers definitely do.