He would do us all a world of good by NOT apologizing, and tell anybody “slamming” him to go fuck themselves. I’d sure as hell wear that costume out. It’s fucking funny. The shit is funny, not offensive. It shouldn’t be our problem that morons can’t tell the difference. I used to dress as a “Mexican” on Halloween. Complete with authentic pancho and sombrero I bought in Acapulco from authentic Mexicans. This was the 90s, not the 50s and absolutely nobody gave a shit. The Timeout Generation became society’s Fun police.
The weather has been unkind but most of the house it set up for tomorrow night. What scares adults? I have dolls, clowns, coackroaches to walk on, hands reaching out of walls and spiders hanging from fishing line at head-level to walk into. I want things that makes a person's skin crawl. Not just fake movie horror, but the real deal. We aren’t a “nice” house although I follow a strict guideline of not jump-scaring little kids.
Do you have the appropriate masks? Because, a bedroom where "Donald Trump" and "Hillary Clinton" are banging each other would be fucking terrifying.
AND it has dose sores all over it. Where besides a proctologist’s convention would somebody front money to construct something like that Christ, if I wasn’t so against inflatables I’d use it with my house tonight.
I ate everything except the blow pops and some peppermint patties, I think I'll just hand them out tonight til they are gone and call it good.
Another Halloween, another year of trying to convince the man that putting a bowl full of candy at the foot of our drive with a sign that says, "Take as many as you want!" doesn't read the way he wants it to.
I was not aware that my neighborhood was doing beggar's night tonight. I may or may not have turned off my lights and finished cooking dinner holding a flashlight in my mouth.
My neighbourhood has changed a lot... hardly any kids any more. We were busy for about 20 minutes with maybe 10 groups of young kids/parents coming to the door, then we saw the teenagers move in and run door to door with pillow cases trying to score as much as they could. At that point we killed the lights and fired up the bbq and were done for the year. Usually I just pack up and head to the bar for dinner until it all blows over... never really been a big Halloween fan.
We usually get 80 to 100 kids. The wife and daughter are hanging at another neighbors house. I was invited but opted to stay home and hand out candy. I knew I made the right decision when one of the women in the neighborhood came to my house and just walked in - then told all of the neighborhood kids who came to my door that she moved in with Mr. Misanthropic. None of the kids batted an eye, but I’m sure the other moms waiting on the sidewalk will have something to say about it.
We had maybe one teenager. Still only about a dozen door knocks all together. It is shitty and rainy. I trick or treated until I was a senior in high school.