In case you're curious why I'm so angry all the time, this is how drivers in LA react to cyclists: That was one of the nice ones, because he only threatened to hit the cyclist with his car, instead of actually trying.
@Aetius , are you still cycling as a means of transportation as much since you moved? Or has small town living forced you to use the car more? People suck. Drivers suck everywhere. Road ragers should be shot out of a cannon into pit of snakes.
I remember having to read “Beloved” for a high school class. I was supposed to be learning about the horrors of slavery through the writing of Toni Morrison, but all I remember is some guys fuckin’ a cow.
And usually "Pastor" is a specific role in a tax free organization... nothing to do with religion or not being a dick to people.
I just love how our justice system views trying to dip another's head in 350° oil as a simple assault, nothing more than a misdeed, like spitting on someone.
Much less use of the bicycle, but far more walking. I pretty much only drive to do a grocery run or drive to visit family.
Agreed to help my mom fix her fence today and it's supposed to be 44* and overcast. Not happy about this. Even less happy that I've since learned that it needs "fixing" because my sister's dog can get through it and she's watching their dog while they're on vacation. Why the hell isn't my sister's husband fixing it?
Probably because your Mom feels much more comfortable asking you to do it rather than him. And maybe she thinks you'll do a better job? Regardless, enjoy your retirement. lol
Well here’s the guy, and this segment treats the word “pastor” like we would use the term “doctor”. What a lying dipshit: