Niece (4) and nephew (2) are usually a tornado but my nephew was sick and just wanted to lay on his mom. That was fine, but became awkward as it was clear Mom didn't want to do anything but snuggle the sick kid, and we were trying to figure out how to handle all of the food we made without saying, "hey, we're going to just eat dinner without you." Then Mom finally decided to give him a little bit of kids Motrin and bam, the tornado was back in business and everyone was happy again. Nephew went from unable to lift his head off Mom's shoulder to tearing through presents and shouting, "this is FUN!" Niece asked for a Glinda the Good Witch dress, which her mom already bought, and announced that she was really happy that she asked for the dress, because it came with a wand. Cue Mom looking wide-eyed, and Uncle Binary scouring local store inventory and making a last minute Christmas Eve dash to a Walmart three towns over at 7am. The snow was flying, and the Walmart was empty except for dozens of holiday-dressed employees stocking shelves. It felt surprisingly festive.
Legos kept my kid contained, busy, happy, and occupied for all of Christmas and the day after. Today is tablet time with a stomach bug. We were up all night with liquid diarrhea and vomiting. More liquid poop this morning. I made my kid wear a pull up while driving on my work route just in case but I think maybe the worst is over. Nobody has energy to do shit right now. Good news to share. About to climb on the roof and yell it for the neighborhood to hear. My husband sat for and passed his Security+ cert exam today! What a weight lifted. He needed it within 6mo of hire date. He's been working so hard and spending so much time studying and he succeeded! What a great feeling for him.
Worst is a weird word. I changed worse to worst and it feels like it's spelled wrong. Worst. It kinda feels foreign. Maybe I'm thinking of sausage.
One of the great enjoyments I find from this board are sharing the successes in people's lives. Congratulations to your husband Bewildered.
Thanks Puffdaddy. I bitch about everything. Sometimes it's nice to share a little joy instead. Welp, we are wrapping up LEGO set #2. Third one will definitely be done tomorrow. I'm already eyeballing a couple clearance sets at Walmart. They need one more markdown before I swoop in. My kid clearly has full parental support on this obsession.
No idea what that is, but congrats. It is always nice to see people getting what they want to better themselves.
So, what’s your favourite biggest movie bomb of the year in a historical year of shitty $200 million dollar films just bombing left and right at the box office? I mean… you could tell Borderlands was going to suck from the trailer, but people had hope for Joker 2 and that was such a colossal fuck-up it was almost as if Todd Phillips was trying to bankrupt an entire studio, Michael Cimino-style. Not to mention an arsenal of shitty superhero movies (and a promise of dozens more to come). The movie industry needs a serious renaissance and fast — go back and look at the 1970 decade’s body of work, back when movies truly were art and the writing mattered.
I have a lot of hope for people like Robert Eggers. I thoroughly enjoyed Nosferatu (And the V-Vitch!) and need to get around Northmen and The Lighthouse.
Smoked a prime rib for dinner tonight... it turned out awesome. I'm 2 bottles of wine into it. I'll be in bed before 9pm I bet. Happy New Year everyone!
Pulled a Ribeye out of the sous vide a minute ago. Potatoes roasting in the oven, wine decanting. Waiting for the wife to get home and then it’s dinner, fiesta bowl and in bed by eleven. Drunk full and happy. Happy New Year’s fellow Idiots.
First year since I can remember that we haven't been semi-obligated to some kind of NYE plans. Just the two of us and the pup - went for a hike today, cooked dinner, some small batch ice cream in the freezer to be opened imminently. Probably be in bed by 10 to welcome in the new year, and lights out at 10:03. Life is good.