I walked through a White Castle drive thru once. They had 0 issues serving me a ten sac and some chicken rings. That hangover was brutal.
This always pissed me off. You can get a DUI on a bicycle, a horse, even while getting pushed in a car with no engine*. None of those are "motor vehicles," therefore, you shouldn't get a DUI. Maybe public intoxication or obstruction of traffic, but not a DUI that's going to stay on your record forever. *I once met a guy in jail who got a DUI in the '90s that way. He was rebuilding the engine in his truck, and after removing the engine, he and a friend pushed the truck down to the street as they mounted the engine on the stand. Well, since there was no overnight parking on that street, they had to push the truck back into the driveway. They had both had numerous beers by this point. Well, lo and behold, right as they were pushing the truck in (he was inside, steering), a nosy cop pulls up and wants to know what's going on. He arrests both of them: the guy for DUI, and the friend for PI. If you people have ever wondered why I hate cops so much, this is one of the reasons why.
Like a chicken nugget. It a ring form. They also have onion petals. Which are onions rings but shaped like a chicken nugget. You need to get to a White Castle now.
It's pretty much every policy. The thought is that a person standing there can either be run over, or rob the place , and then corporate will be liable.
We don’t have White Castle or Crystal down here. We have a Freddie’s and Whataburger as our regional places. We have a couple In N Outs now too.
Texas Whataburger is so good. Great breakfast fast food menu. It would be on the "pro" side of a "move to Texas" pros and cons list.
They’ll never admit it; but women were a lot happier when they only had to cook, clean the house and fire out kids like a Pez despenser You guys have so many fast food chains, I have tried so few. I have tried White Castle and liken it to the flavour of Hades’ crusty asshole. To my estimate, Carl’s Jr. seems like the best one I have never tried. It doesn’t seem to have any haters.
Probably. We had to time against my wife’s cycles. There was a special week out of every month where it occurred quite frequently. We did so much fuckin’ there’s a dessert named after it.
I eat it at least once a week if I'm traveling during lunch time. If you're gonna eat fast food before you exercise, Whataburger is it. #5, no tomato, add jalapeno. Some of their limited time ones are delicious as well like the new chili burger and the sweet and spicy bacon burger.
This is what 56 looks like- I needed channellocks to unscrew the cap on my bottle of vodka. And now my right shoulder and left wrist are killing me. Maybe the vodka will dull that pain like I hope it dulls the pain in both my knees.
everyone is different. I know 60 year olds who still play tennis or hit the weights every day. I have in laws in their late 50s who regularly run 5-10ks. Genetics play a large role, but so does individual body composition, care, and injury history (despite my own history, I’ve recovered quite well by perfecting the art lol)
I’m not saying feeling like crap is inevitable. My professor/advisor from college, who I still keep in touch with, is 80 something and he still hunts, alone, and field dresses his kills and hauls it miles back to his car. But your 50s are a fucking minefield man. My buddy, who has been running for 30 years, runs ultra marathons and is in the best shape of all of us, suffers from pulmonary embolisms and has restricted his diet to only a handful of food groups. The rest of my buddies - one guy had a massive heart attack and is lucky to still be alive, two dudes had prostate cancer, two guys have had hip replacements. My wife, who takes great care of herself, and my other friends all have a myriad of aches and pains that are not going to go away. And I’m not even going to go into the deaths of parents, friends etc that ramp up once you hit your 50s. I feel like I’ve aged 10 years in the past two years. I’m not dealing with aging gracefully. Happy New Year. Just a ray of sunshine to start your week.
Probably not making national news but we've been getting slammed with storm after storm. Heavy rains and record breaking wind. Highest gust so far last night was 68mph. From my house, I can see five downed large trees. Three of them landed on houses. Several levee breaches. Another round of wind and rain tomorrow morning and another storm coming in next weekend. We went from extreme drought to major flooding in a week.
One grandfather died of cancer at 47 and the other of a heart attack at 55. We almost lost Dad at 49. Genetics scare the fuck out of me, so I do what I can. While I have made better choices, I’m still noticing changes though at almost 49. My body has taken a LOT of abuse, much of it work related but not all, over the years and it’s catching up with me.