Was having a lovely evening until my daughter got some sour candy spray and wanted me to spray it in her mouth. I accidentally sprayed it into her eyes. Ruined everyone’s night.
I’m on vacation with the family at the shore in South Jersey. Many of the people here are from the Philadelphia area- the South Philly crowd is easy to pick out because they are the only groups where both the men and the women have wife-beater shaped farmer’s tans.
What a fucking dumbass woman. https://twitter.com/NBCSports/statu...crash-allez-opi-omi/r230uew3fe7n15v3eyfbd353o
Twitter discourse today is one weird professor defending Stalin and literally everyone else with internet access dunking on him. It's been wildly entertaining.
Oddly enough this has been the mildest summer thus far that I remember. High of 88 at the end of June? Sign me up.
I agree with you. I don't think it's been over 100 degrees in Austin yet and that's pretty abnormal for a Texas summer. Forecast for the next 10 days currently shows a high of 95.
It’s a humidex of 40. I’m out on the deck ensuring that bourbon sours are, in fact, sour. They are. Times lots. It’s not a bad way to beat the heat.
Average high for Atlanta over the next 10 days is 83.2. I'll take it. We have lots of 90 degree days here in the summer, but it rarely hits 100.
A friend of mine from work just sent me a text.. “we drink and turn viking into a verb upon your return” Best. Work. Text. Ever.