damnit I can't even make it a week without something fucking stupid happening to me! Finally my leg was feeling good enough to go hiking with my boys yesterday, during which we stepped on a goddamn hornet nest. They each got hit once, I was wearing a loose shirt though and they flew up under it. Grabbed one kid under each arm and sprinted, downhill about a quarter mile over loose terrain and on loose terrain and a still very much painful leg (somehow not falling in the process lol). Got into the UTV, sped home, threw off my shirt, and apparently the hornets were still in it because my wife picked it up and got stung. Those things hurt. Not broken leg pain, but they certainly don't feel great. Especially on the ankle.
Heya @Rush-O-Matic , looks like they're going all in on this beer thing! https://henderson-brewing-company.myshopify.com/products/rush-moving-pictures-ale New Moving Pictures Ale
Cheesiness and billionaire privilege aside, I think it's really cool that William Shatner just became an actual astronaut. And lived through it!
Roll my eyes at the privilege but I did get misty eyed. Big fan of Star Trek, though not TOS. Dad was a Trekkie and skipped school in his youth to watch NASA launches. He’d have been watching this for sure. I don’t know how Bezos company truly makes space travel common place or for the common man but I dig the symbolism Shatner represents. I’ve always tended to think Roddenberry’s vision to be what we should strive for.
I doubt it ever does. It looks like Blue Origin is looking to use the uber-rich space tourists as a stepping stone to building bigger rockets and doing what SpaceX is doing. Virgin Galactic is more likely to focus on space tourism and possibly long range travel for more regular people.
I tend to think it's one big PR event to try and repair the tone deafness from Bezos' last flight. But one that I fully agree with and support... Shatner has earned that trip in spades, if you ask me, on just the shear amount of hope and joy Trek Wars gave to the world. If only he could have taken Uhura with him and kissed her...
Everything else I hear about Blue Origin is that it's an incredibly dysfunctional organization that is barely going to be able to do the space tourist high altitude flights... nowhere near the capability (long term) of SpaceX.
And by no means am I saying that Shatner is the only one deserving of space flight. Doohan was the absolute top of that list.
The fact he had a daughter when he was 85 who is still under 21 is straight G move. That part of the Trekkies doc where he relates the story of saving that fan from suicide chokes me up every time.
I didn’t get to see it, unfortunately. But I did just recently listen to the Ben Folds podcast and he interviewed Shatner. He is a pretty solid dude.
It would be nice to not see the picture of Gabby Petito's ugly cry face on the front page of every news site every time I visit them.