Here’s the thing: I’m 32 years old. Peer pressure isn’t really a thing that affects me anymore. I’m definitely doing brunch and if I decide to get a piercing it will be of my own volition. I’ll just be honest and say that I miss the piercings that I used to have and that I took out for dumb reasons and I’m not opposed to having them redone. (Refer to the boobie thread circa me in my twenties for a refresher of one such piercing.)
Ahhhhaha. Oh my. I'm going with a lot of both. "What's the square footage?" "There is no square footage. There's 8 people." I might need to go back and watch the whole thing. This is to terrible.
Yes. Dude does an amazing job of using of silence as an interviewing technique. Don't say anything, and let them fill in the gaps because people get uncomfortable with silence usually. He doesn't judge, or prompt, or elicit responses, he just lets people be themselves. Then we do the judging.
That was the only really sad part of this, for me... "what got you into this?" "rent... I needed rent."