The best thing about it is the opening spoof on the “corner store shootout”. ..that, and this ALWAYS make me laugh:
I saw that. At first I laughed, but when I realized she was driving drunk, it wasn't so funny anymore. There's been a few stories about bus drivers under the influence lately. I wait till I get home. The worst I've done so far is tell a group of high schoolers, "I just swept this bus so stop throwing shit around." They stopped. Even picked up said shit. My best line so far was to an African American kid: Me: I'm done telling you to sit down, move up here to the front seat. Him ( Moving but making a show of it ): Man, Rosa Parks fought so we could sit anywhere. Me: Actually, she wanted to sit up front too, so she'd be proud. I thought that one might get me in some trouble, but nope. I wish I could have a copy of the video.
Focus: I have to be up around 05:30 for work, but have been waking up at around 4 almost daily. I'm hoping the time change balances this out.
He killed that poor girl. Same with that fat hick from Making a Murderer and the photographer girl, he just got a retrial I believe.
Avery won a right to appeal and file new evidence. Whether he did it or not, we all know his dim nephew didn’t and the cops framed both of them either way.
My favourite is when that cunt Colborne said the reason they suddenly found that key is because it squeezed its own way through a crack in the shelf particle board.
If you’ve struggled with anxiety, I highly recommend lithium. It’s one of the least intrusive psychotropics out there, yet most effective. If you want to experience Big Pharma’s overreach into medical offices, ask about lithium. Doctors’ will push you towards prescriptions.
If you take it, make sure you keep a check on your kidney function. Some people have problems with kidney damage when taking lithium.
Im not even seeing it listed as an off label use of it. Maybe you just suggested something that is well off first or second line treatment options?
I may have mentioned in the past, I play in a Celtic rock band. This is a busy time of year for us, obviously. So I have to ask, who the hell decided to put the time change the same week as St Patrick's Day? I had one gig this weekend and feel like hell. Next weekend is three nights in a row. At this rate I'll be just trying to survive, nevermind alcohol induced issues.
If you like podcasts, I heartily recommend Serial. The one season spinoff "S-Town" aka Shit Town is also excellent.
Is anyone elses town/community facebook group a goldmine of pettiness and idiocy? Mine is just people bitching about the stupid shit, calling other people out over almost nothing, and other inane nonsense.
Everyone’s community page. Every. Fucking. One. I once posted on our neighborhood watch page: “it’s 1:00AM and three teenagers just walked down our street with a mower. When I went out to the porch two of them ran away. (Brief description of kids).” The replies (immediately, in the middle of the night) were all basically “some kids in the neighborhood mow lawns for money, why do we automatically accuse them of stealing?” I replied that I didn’t accuse them of anything, I just posted on the neighborhood watch page regarding something I SAW, and had learned my lesson and would never do so again. The next morning, one person messaged to thank me for posting. Their neighbor, who lived the next block down from me, had their lawn mower stolen.
I’ve vaguely heard of these, wouldn’t join one if my life depended on it. I would like to see if the neighbors are talking shit about us given our non communication and parking lot of cars and transporting guns all hours of the day.
If there’s one out there isn’t exactly that, If love to see it. They’re the online version of a PTA meeting, I’d rather shove knitting needles in my ears than subject myself to that. They are a cesspool of selfishness.
Facebook is 90% projection. Especially for the couples that aren’t doing so well. One, for instance, loves to post pics of themselves and giving relationship advice on FB. They also fight, ugly, every time we go out.