I have never met someone who so passionately hates “the gays.” He also runs a very popular wedding venue, and refuses to allow “non-traditional” weddings. Last I heard they still send out a letter explaining why and that the gays will go to hell and everything. Can’t wait for one of them to sue the shit out of him.
that was the case with my wife's uncle. I called it from the first time I met him. Everyone in the family was in denial when my wife got drunk and told them of my suspicions, until one day his wife found his emails about hooking up with other men in pay-by-the-hour motels while on business trips.
A former coworker, who was not a homophobe, used to brag about his sexual exploits as a young touring musician. He said he was called “the ayatollah of assa-hola.” but his motto was “hey man, face down in the carpet…an asshole’s an asshole.” When we pressed him exactly what it meant, he would just kinda grumble and walk away.
That sounds like an even better reason to shoot it down. What is he going to do, make the rest of the family hate YOU? Worst case scenario, you have to buy him a new one. I know you've got the money for it. Last of all, have you even talked to him about it?
We have a local politician who a lot of people suspect is a self-loathing closet case. And I cannot wait for the day he is caught blowing a guy at a rest stop. As for the drone flying brother in law, I’d give him one warning and then the next time blast the thing out of the air.
havent talked to him about he because we all avoid him like the cockroach that he is. I don’t know when I’ll see him again, but I do know that Amazon prime is faster than that
Really fuck with the grandchild: knock up your wife. That way the grandchild will have an aunt or uncle younger than him/her.
I 2nd a paintball gun. In addition to the paint, the paintballs should have enough velocity & mass to knock it around if not down it, but not destroy it, plus a decent one will fire with a high enough rate of volume you should have decent chance of hitting it. Personally, I'd go with birdshot. He's fucking around...he needs to find out.