I thought that was only really a risk in the first 90 days or so because everything isn't fully covered with scar tissue and shit.
It's rare, but it happens. "Even with a successful surgery and you following the proper post-vasectomy plan, your vas deferens can reconnect months or years later. In some cases, this has happened 10 years after a vasectomy! So how does it happen? Well, even after your vas deferens are severed, your epididymis still carries sperm. The pressure from spermatic fluid can create small drainage channels in the tissue on ends of the severed vas deferens. Over time, these channels can connect to the divided vas deferens and sperm will have a pathway to the seminal vesicles. Again, this is rare and happens in only .025% of cases. No medical procedure is 100% foolproof, including a vasectomy. Failure is rare, but there are instances where it could happen. Some issues are out of your control, but you can make sure you’re not careless those first few months after the procedure by using birth control and checking your sperm count." Link: https://spermcheck.com/vasectomy/bl...s right, you can get,has a 1.85% failure rate.
I just noticed that my next door neighbors already have a fully decked out Christmas tree in their front window. That's weird, right?
I’m due to get my vasectomy in 3 weeks. I’ll use this as my defense to back out of it, thanks. Should go better than telling my wife she’s selfish for wanting me to get it.
Well, Ian made life...interesting for the past week. Florida's real estate and insurance is topsy turvy for a while. Early reports are a LOT of folks will be under water (heh) on homes without insurance, especially as the cap on some of that stuff is $250k, on houses that are worth significantly more than that. Mom was rear-ended about a week ago, and it gave her a compression fracture in her back. ER doc prescribed a regimen of 60mg/day of a muscle relaxer, and it almost put her in a coma. ER twice, the first the doc assumed opioid withdrawal and sent her home with no medical intervention, despite the blood and urine tests showing something was off the charts fucked up. Second time, doc correctly figured it out, and she went from non-verbal, can't recognize her kids, can't touch her face/smile/walk to fully functional, with no memory of the last 5 days within 72 hours of admittance to the ER. So, I went from standby to fly to Mom, to chilling in WA, thanking God I am not in the fuck-pile of tard that is Florida right now. Lawyering up, becuase....well, the car insurance company is going to have some thoughts on 2 ER visits thanks to complications from a dose of medication that is about 600% higher than she should have been prescribed. And we have to find her a new car... Overall, thanking God no permanent damage, and that Ian didn't fuck up SC worse that he did, but God damn, I hope we are in for a less stressful week.
Shithouse man. I'm really sorry to hear about your Mom. Those kinds of experience can really fuck up your psyche long term too. I hope she has a speedy, and full recovery, and the insurance company aren't pricks about it.
In all seriousness, how painful is it going to be? I was told I need to buy briefs and a jock strap for the ride home.
Less painful than 18 years of raising another kid. If I had to do it again tomorrow, I would. The worst part is the numbing, which yeah, involves a needle in very tender places. But, it numbs things fast. Afterwards? A little discomfort but not bad at all if you just take it easy a day or two. This was one of the rare times my wife, who is a nurse, doted on me. I laid down in bed with a stack of DVD's, the laptop, and relaxed as she regularly brought me bags of frozen peas to keep things cool down there. Then brought me dinner. I was up and about the next day, but probably shouldn't have been because things were a little tender afterward and then for a few days. At the time I worked for a doctor's office and after that any time guys came in freaked out about the prospect, I was their guru. And I would use that line I opened with above. My doctor advised me of this, despite the fact he not only sutured but cauterized the ends and had never had one re-attach. I told him take a little extra off for good measure, though I'm not sure if he did or not. Still, he advised me that in the event of a pregnancy, don't go to a divorce lawyer first, but to come in and, well, cum in a cup because it can happen.
Was that for a count test or was he looking to spice up his coffee a bit? That aside, yeah, I guess it would be less painful than having a third kid. My wife absolutely does not want to go through it again and I can't blame her.
I would suggest not even comparing the pain of a vasectomy to that of childbirth. Just in case you want to stay married.
No, I was comparing it to the pain of my wife dying during childbirth, which is why we aren’t having a 3rd.
I don't think so? I'm not actually concerned about the pain - I was just curious as the experience others on here may have had.
What Walt said is good advice. I tell anyone who will listen to get the first appointment on a Friday. You will wake up and not have any time to think about backing out. Do it on a Friday cause who minds spending a weekend in bed watching football? Have a driver and frozen peas and appley on the ride home and often afterwards. As Walt mentioned, not matter how good you feel the next day do not do anything. I was having the wife start to empty out the remaing baby batter about 60 hours after the procedure. You cannot get rid of those swimmers quick enough. Best birth control move I ever did.
Or, you can have my experience. At the end of June 2018 I got snipped and this was my post; "Got snipped on Thursday and I was so worried about nothing. Took 10-12 mins and had some very minor discomfort on Friday and felt fine after that. They gave me 30 Norcos and I think I took one when I got home and one Friday morning just to be safe." Fast forward to Sept 2018 when I take my sample in to get tested and I still have a few swimmers. The sperm counter person tells me that it's not too uncommon for that to happen and to make sure I've made my O face at least 20 times. I was pretty sure I already hit that number but just in case, I had my hand put in some OT for the last 45 days. Dropped off another sample last week and they're telling me that I still have some "Present" Again, they gave me the "it's not uncommon and to give another sample in a month or so." I told them this IS the 2nd sample and I'm WAY over the 20. Nurse - "When did you have your operation?" Me - "At the end of June." Long pause..... Nurse - "I'm going to schedule you an appointment with the doctor so he can go over some things with you." The jackasses at the lab ran the wrong type of test. Instead of running a post-V test, they ran some sort of fertility test. After reading the lab results, the Dr said that I have less than 1% of 1% of the normal amount of swimmers and that in all likelihood, they're dead. But, since there are *some* there, the lab marked it as "Present"
I have it on solid advice that you’re wrong. The REAL play, and @malisbad back me up here, is to fly to Japan immediately after in the cheap seats. Pure bliss.
Im trying to gauge recovery from a minor surgery, not have a writhing octopus shoved up my ass while I sing karaoke.