Damn, our forecast for tonight is west winds at 40 with gusts to 81. That's bigger than anything we've been through since we moved to this area. I may have to up my hurricane prep game and put anything that can't be tied down in the shop. With a west wind I worry about the tree to the west of the shop. I know I made that joke yesterday about my truck, but I really don't want any of my stuff crushed. I have everything out of the water except for the sailboat for which I don't have a functional trailer. I pulled the neighbor's pontoon out yesterday also.
We were supposed to get all sorts of heavy rain up here in our part of New York so I made sure the downspouts were cleaned, got some gutter extenders on to try and keep the basement dry. Not a drop. But the power went out around 6 and didn't come back until 1230. Nothing makes one more grateful for AC than doing nothing more than sitting in your house, sweating your ass off.
No, no you are not. You’d have a better time watching a retarded kid drown puppies in a sink, one by one. No sarcasm. there are bad movies, there are movies so bad they make you want to throw up into your hands, then after that you have “Never Back Down”.
Just a heads up that you can now buy a face mask with Bluetooth audio, because of course that's a thing.
Uhh, since there hasn't been a new thread since 2015 apparently; HOCKEY IS BACK! Also, glad to see the Maple Leafs aren't letting COVID get in their way of the standard first round exit. You Canadians really ARE getting back to normal before everyone else.
I don't get it, the "need" to always be connected and have music in one's ears. I guess I'm just old.
Just about every task/chore I do I have a set of earbuds in, and am listening to podcasts, audio books, music, or the audio of a TV in the background. In my shop I have an Apple TV and they are paired to my noise cancelling headphones so that I can listen to it even while running loud machinery. You're not old... you're just missing out.
Earbuds at work are amazing. I love listening to full albums, and instead of being annoyed because it's an hour until lunch, and you're tired - you throw on a good album that's an hour long, and the time flies by. Prog rock definitely helps in that regard. Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick" is one of my favorites. Also - has anybody had any experience with those "bone conductor" headphones? I really wanna try them, since at work I'm only allowed to have one earbud in, so I'm still able to hear alarms and announcements. The idea of true stereo and having my ears freed up is kinda intriguing.
What is the point of the XFL? It doesn't have the history, prestige, or talent of the NFL, and because the NFL itself is already a borderline bloodsport that's gotten a ton of bad press over TBIs, you can't exactly make a no-holds barred "extreme" version of it. I don't get the strategy here.
But it had mud wrestlers for cheerleaders and players the Arena League wouldn’t touch. Plus no fair catches and HeHateMe, what’s not to love? XTREME!!!
Hey, pal, you watched it on your own accord. I was in the county jail, waiting to go to prison, and they had the volume cranked all the way up. There was no avoiding it. About the XFL: They should go balls-out and allow steroids. That would make for some real entertainment.