The fact that you did that makes you a great neighbor, the fact that you did that with the potential of having no shower afterwards makes you and an exceptional one.
So only 7% of the county still has power, and somehow I'm one of them. Here's some random pics of the carnage in my neighborhood alone(where there's been no actual flooding yet, unlike downtown/the beaches):
When Katrina blew through I never lost power. My father, about 1/4 mile up the road, lost power almost immediately when the wind picked up. I'm truly disappointed that you didn't do this.
Great, come back from alaska and it's been 10 straight days of rain with more to come. My yard looks like the lower levels of the rain forest. The fuck texas? It's either drought, or monsoon.
Glad to know you're alive. I was starting to wonder if you'd been eaten by an Orca. Or an Indian. Or something else that was hungry.
I’m now drunk in the open garage watching the storm with the same neighbor I helped out earlier and she brought over makers mark whiskey. Life is good.
Woke up a little while ago and am surprisingly not hungover. Still have power, although floodings have increased. That's the main fear now, ironically the thing I was worried about the most(pine trees falling onto my house) looks like it's not going to happen and the thing I was worried about the least(flooding since my house in on such high ground) is becoming more of a concern. Probably going to go exploring in a bit. EDIT: I'm not quite sure I believe this, but the news just said there's a tornado risk. I do know that getting here from the outside is virtually impossible right now due to flooding.
How much elevation do you have over the current water levels? How fast is the water level rising for you?
Florence has dumped anywhere from 30 to 40 inches thus far. Anything over 48 will start to be a problem.