My weird ass wife wore this chicken Halloween costume around the house all day...,aps,1781&sr=8-7 Because it is chilly and it's the closest thing she had to regular fuzzy footie pajamas.
Does it have a buttflap? Does she use one of those silicon female pee funnels? Peeing in that thing would be so annoying.
No butt flap. I did not participate in, or discuss with her, any toileting procedures. She obviously just took the extra steps to remove the weird jammies to relieve herself.
This guy in Grantsville UT lives on a corner in his neighborhood. He set up Halloween decorations in his yard. They included a skeleton pole dancer and guys watching her slinging singles. The "pole" she was dancing on was the street sign / stop sign of the intersection. So, instead of Grantsville public works contacting the owner and saying, "hey man - you can't use public property like that" they posted a picture of it on their Facebook page with a notice to the owner. He's since moved the display to just his yard, but made it even bigger. And the story is getting national attention now. But, the hilarious thing is (of course) Grantsville's Facebook page was being overwhelmed with non-fix my pothole type posts and they took down the picture post. But, people are wearing the City out in the comments, multiple skeleton GIFs, etc. Too funny. I don't have a Facebook account, but fortunately, it's public.
Our town encourages main street businesses to decorate the light poles for Halloween. I bet none of them have gone stripper themed yet, though.
My twin boys knew how to tip the strippers in Duke Nukem 3D before they were 4 thanks to their older brother. I think his yard decoration is very inventive and I doubt any children would understand.
This is our "award winning" scarecrow we put up this year. We got a small segment on the feel good portion of the Albany news for our people's choice award.
Is there a tool that is less fun to use than a manual pop rivet tool? Most tools, a person can find some enjoyment in using them. Not these motherfuckers. Bonus torture if you're working upside down in tight, awkward spots... like I am today.
I muttered to myself, “where’s this asshole from?” While my brain simultaneously answered, “Utah.”
Michelada, that's become my favorite thing at the local Mex spot. I'll even settle for the canned Modelo 'chelada, it's nice.
On that topic, the other day I found about “Alpha Male boot camps” and went down a very amusing rabbit hole of cringe. Essentially, these suckers pay thousands of dollars to go have a walking Napoleon Complex take his childhood insecurities out on them. Its really really sad to watch… but also hilarious entertainment because it’s not you. These guys are making money LARPing boot camp. It’s a great scam.
I thought I'd introduce y'all to this guy, in case any of you might find it fun to watch. Part one of three of young man of 19 years, crossing from Hawaii to Tahiti. Pretty good play by play, the ups and downs, mistakes and triumphs and all the boobies* that hung out with him over 30 days. I can't think of a better boat on which to do it than his Nor'sea 27. Absolute tank of a boat. All three parts are available to watch. Hope I raise my kid to have the guts and desire to do something big like this at least once in his life. *The birds, Rush, not actual tits.
I'm old. I have very few expectations, anymore, lol. Though apparently Jennifer Lawrence is butt nekkid in that new Netflix movie "No Hard Feelings" so I may have expectations until I see that